5: Just For Tonight

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I walked home, slower then I normally walk, coming up with a 'speech', in my head.  What do I say to a person that just brought my whole barn to his home though? "Yeah, I know that you have a lot of your own problems in your life and all... but thanks for bringing all of my horses and things to your home."  Yeah.  Not happening.  One, I don't have the damn confidence for that.  Two, I don't have the damn confidence for that.  Three, I don't have any damn confidence.  I got to the front door.  Well this is all where it all goes to hell, isn't it?  Girl's been gone all day after a fight.. wonder what she's been doing...

Well anyways, I gained all the fudging confidence I had left in myself, and knocked on the door.  Shit, this is supposed to be my house too,  and just walked in the door only to come right into a rock hard wall of abs; which I have already memorized as Greyson's.  "Where the hell have you been all day!  I have been looking everywhere for you ever since Brandon came home alone!  You could have been hurt!" and before I could blink at the amount of sincerity there was in his voice, I was pulled into a big hug.  "Greyson, it's okay.  I promise I was in the pack territory the whole time.  I was just visiting my horses, which reminds me.. Do you know where Brandon is?" I asked, I didn't want to spend any more time with Greyson, even as much as he obviously cared where I was.  I needed to find Brandon and thank him for everything that he did.

"Uhh, yeah.  He's in the kitchen, why?" Greyson asked, sounding a little bit confused.  I don't think he knew where I was going with this.  "Oh, I have to go and thank him for something real quick.  I'll be back i promise."  I walked kinda fast over to the kitchen to see Brandon devouring a hamburger.  Not really something I wanted to see at this point but hey,  a man's gotta eat right?  So I walked up to him, and forgot my whole freaking speech.  "Uh so hey, Brandon.  I just wanted to thank you for bringing my horses and stuff to your pack." Gosh Alex, that didn't sound sincere at all. Brandon looked up from his half-gone burger.  "Uhh, hey Alex, you do know that Greyson was the one who actually made the decison to bring them here?  He is the one you really should be thanking.  He really does care about you, you know."  He pushed me back to where Greyson was.  "Now go, the poor man looks like he's about to kill me."

I walked over to a very confused/ Brandon-what-did-you-do looking Greyson.  "Uhh hey buddy..." I punched his shoulder nervously, unsure of what the hell to say.  Before I could come up with anything to say, Greyson picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.  "GREYSON LET ME DOWN NOW!!!" I screamed.  At this point, I didn't know what he was going to do, and I just got thrown over his shoulder.  Not sure what to do, I started pounding on Greyson's back.  He didn't flinch.  Fucking werewolves.

I eventually give up the pounding and started to just try and wiggle out of his grasp.  By now, we were in the elevator, and there wasn't anyone else to hear me.  I continued to try and get out of his grasp, and of course I failed.  Greyson now walked out of the elevator, me still over his shoulder, and started to walk down the hall like nothing was happening.  I gave up, nobody was going to help me, Grey probably did that mind link thing telling them what happened.  We walked through a pair of French doors and into his room again.  Greyson threw me on the bed, turned around, and locked the door.  "Please say you did not buy Brandon's acting." Greyson said as he came and sat on the edge of the bed.  

"What?" I asked, not knowing what he meant by Brandon's acting.  "You've got to be kidding me Alex.. you're telling me you never once thought that Brandon was trying to get you to somewhat like me?" Greyson said, scooting a little bit closer to me.  "Alex, I love you.  I really do.  And I want you to understand that I will do anything to keep you safe, no matter what the cost.  I just need you to promise me that you're not going to do something stupid."  Stupid?  Oh, I'm way past stupid.  I was kidnapped, from a Walmart to say the least; brought to a foreign house, told that I was mates to one of the most powerful Alpha's there is; And now to top it off, that powerful Alpha that I barely know? He's telling me not to do anything stupid?  Well sucks for him, can't control everything in life sweetheart. 

"Greyson, to be honest I have no idea what I'm doing here.  I used to read all these stories about werewolves and fantasize about the 'What if' like what if that happened to me?  Well, guess that I don't really want it anymore.  I don't want to be a part of all this Greyson, I want to go back to my home, fighting with my mom about who gets the last cookie.  I want my late nights because of homework back.  I want my family back Greyson, I can't handle this anymore, even if I've been here for a short time."  Now is when I started to cry.  "Greyson please.  Please, let me go home.  Reject me and it'll all be fixed, and you can pick out whatever girl you ant to be your Luna.  I won't care.  I just want to go home."  I finally took a breath, closing my eyes to stop the flow of tears that fell from my eyes.  

There was a long pause while Greyson looked like he was contemplating whether or not he was going to let me leave.  Hopefully he would.  

"Only for tonight.  Stay with me tonight.  Give me a chance."  it was merely a whisper, but I heard him clearly.  

I didn't know where I was going to sleep, or what I was going to say if he asked me to sleep with him, or what I would do if he told me I had to stay with him.  But I did know I was fucking hungry, so I went downstairs to go get a banana.  It shouldn't be that hard to find a banana, should it? 


a/n:: I'm too bored and lazy to make this chapter go on tbh my fingers are freezing cold because I was outside all day..

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