2: Not A Kitten

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"Slow down, you mean I'm actually the Alpha's mate?  Like for real?"

"Yes, Alex.  You're the Alpha's mate."

"But I'm not even fit for something like this.  You know that I mean I have knee problems and I break bones easily, you can't have a Luna like that you're all going to die if you have me as Luna.  Just let me go and he can pick another girl?  Yeah, he can pick another girl and we can go our separate ways and I won't say anythin-"

"Alex, stop talking."

I looked up at him, gosh, I was starting to get a little lightheaded here.  I can't be the Alpha's mate.  I was serious.  I mean I break stuff and I'm so clumsy, and Oh.  My.  God.  What about my horses!  I can't just leave them he had to let me go they haven't even had their lunch yet!  I'm such a bad 'mother'.  "Hey, Brandon?  That's your name right?"

"Yes, that's my name"

"Can you please let me go I really have some things I have to do, I uh, have these things called horses, and I can't really leave them alone they haven't eaten yet.  Nobody knows what each one of them eats and if Jolt gets senior feed, he's not going to be very hap-"

"Alex.  I'm serious.  Stop talking.  We have somebody who has been watching over you and has already fed your horses."

"You've been watching me!"

"Yes.  See, you're not human.  This is why you're the Alpha's mate.  You wouldn't have a mate if you were indeed a human."

"So you're saying I'm a werewolf?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

I was going to pass out and I knew it.  I just found out that I am a werewolf, and I'm the Alpha's mate?  This cannot be happening to me right now.  I'm only 16, how can this even be happening right now?  My parents were definitely not  werewolf's.  They couldn't defend themselves if an ant was attacking them.  I love them, but they are so not werewolf's.  I can't be Luna, I barely can keep track of myself, I couldn't do this I was going to bring the pack down, I.  Can't.  Do.  This.  I felt the darkness coming and I welcomed it.  I felt safe with this Brandon guy, so I snuggled up with him, knowing he would keep me safe...


"Ryan, she's passed out.  Do you think she'll be okay?"

"Yeah man, she just has a lot on her plate.  Besides, honestly look at her for one second.  She has no muscle.  She is literally just bone Brandon, how do you think she's going to pull this off?"

"She will.  I know she will.  the way she handles those horses of hers, she takes so much time to clean, feed, and train them.  She is absolutely amazing with them, and she has such a tight bond with them.  I'm so glad Greyson agreed to take them in."

"So you were the person they sent to watch her all these years?"

"Yeah.  I knew her parents so well, until the, accident."

The van stopped in the front of the pack house, and I carried Alex out.  She was so pretty I'm so glad that Greyson had the trust in me not to do anything he wouldn't want.  I was pushing it carrying her, but it was the only way because I didn't want to wake her up.

I walked in the door and set Alex down on the couch.  I put her head up on a pillow and made sure she was comfortable before I went to go find Greyson.  He was so happy to have found her, he had been talking about if he even had a mate.  I mean the guy was 18 he was getting a 'little old' to have found his mate. 

I walked up the stairs to his office, where he always is.  "Hey Grey, wanna come and see your sleeping beauty?"

The door opened.  "Where is she is she okay?  Did she already run off?"

"No Grey, she's just sleeping on the couch downstairs."

"Okay.  Let me put my stuff up and we can go see her.  By the way, thanks for doing this man I really appreciate it."

"No problem man you've done so much for me."


I woke up curled on a leather couch.  Where was I?  Man, that was a weird dream, I actually thought it was real haha how stupid could I be.  I gave up on werewolves a long time ago.


I looked down to see a cute little boy looking up at me, a toy truck in his hand.  He looked as if he was maybe four years old.  "Hey there cutie, do you know where I am?"

I sat up and he jumped up next to me.  "You're in the pack house.  Do you want to play trucks with me?"

"If you can bring them here I'll play with you.  What's your name?"

"Ryan.  Whats yours?"

"well you have a very nice name, Ryan.  You want to go get your toys?"


Man, that kid ran faster than any four year old I have ever seen.  I was going to stand up but decided against it.  My head hurt like I had a hangover. 

"Alex!  Where are you!"  I heard Brandon yell.  "I'm still on the couch where you left me!"  I yelled back.  He came down the stairs with another guy I didn't know, only this guy was like the bomb.com of guys.  Perfect face, muscles, a shirt that fit perfectly, and shorts to match.  This guy was perfection in my eyes.  

"Hello, Alex."  The perfect dude said.  "I'm Alph-"

"I know who you are.  Can I please leave and go to my horses?  They need their water buckets cleaned out and I have to drag the arena and I have to clean the stalls and I have to-"

"Your horses are fine Alex.  Stop talking."

"Jeez, why does everyone keep telling me to stop talking?  I can talk if I want to thank you very much."

"You do what I say, kitten."

"I'm not your 'kitten',  Greyson."

"Maybe not my kitten, but you're mine and you do what I say."

"Alex!  I'm back!" Ryan yelled from the top of the stairs.   "Do you want to be the yewwow or the blue truc-  oh hi Greyson, I was going to play trucks with Alex, is that okay?"

"Yes, Ryan, it is okay.  Just don't have too much fun, Alex needs to get some sleep tonight."

"Okay Grey, I'll try not to have too much fun with Allie."

"Allie?  Oh, Alex.  Okay Ry, but can I show Allie where her room is first?"

"Yeah!  Allie let's go see your room!"  Ryan pulled me to the stairs, and Greyson led the way while I had Ryan in tow.  We made our way down a long hall, turned left, went down another long hall, turned right, went a little ways until the end of the hall opened up with two french doors.  "Here we are, Alex."  Greyson said.  "But Grey, this is your room, only your mate is sup...sup...." "Supposed" Greyson corrected.  "Sup... supposed to sleep with you."  He turned to me with a confused look until he connected it.  "ALLIE ARE YOU GREY'S MATE!!!!"  Ryan basically screamed.  I knelt down to his level.  "Yes, Ry, I am Greyson's mate.  Now, do you want to go back and play trucks now that I know where I'm sleeping?"

"No!  You stay with Greyson we can play trucks later!  Bye Allie!"  He ran away so fast but skidded to a halt and ran back.  I was still at his level crouched down, so Ryan leaned forward and kissed my cheek, before hugging me.  Man, this kid was adorable.  I kissed him back and before running off again, he said " I love you Allie,"

"I love you too, Ry."


A/N: so yeah I'm taking a liking to this Ryan kid, anyone else?  I might actually change his name though but i don't know.  If I do, any suggestions?

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