4: I Love you..I think

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I didn't notice that Brandon had left until I turned around.  I'll catch up and thank him later, right now is time for my horses.  I started to think... what if I earned enough trust for Greyson to let me go to the Fleet Equestrian Center show?  I would love him forever if he let me do that.  I went inside of the new-ish looking barn and grabbed my saddle, boots, pad, bridle, and helmet.  I was just wearing my long socks and shorts so i should be good, nobody likes it when your saddle rubs on your thigh.

I put a halter on jolt and gave Apollo, Gracie, and Stormy kisses, and walked out of the gate with Jolt.  I tacked him up and tightened the girth.  I didn't need a stool to get on him, I was 5'7" and Jolt was only 15.2 hands tall, one hand being four inches.  Do the math.  Anyways, I got on Jolt and he was like normal, just a little spooky.  We started walking around the field in front of their pasture, and I noticed just how big this pack is.  I was in what looked like the back, the pack house in front of the barn and the field, and then around the pack house were little cottages.  The cool thing is how they were set up.  There were four in a little square, like a bunch of little blocks.  This pack was in the middle of the forest, trees surrounding the back of the pack house and the outskirts of the cottages.  There was a long driveway to the pack house, from the gates off of the main road, well as main road as you get in the middle of nowhere.   I asked Jolt to pick up a trot, and he did so, the nice flowing trot he has, gosh I love this horse so much.  I stopped when I got up to a group of kids, that were running up to me.  I held Jolt still so he wouldn't spook at them running, like he always does.  "Hi! Can I pet your horse!" One of the girls said, she was about five or six, brown hair green eyes, and she looked a lot like Brandon; tall and skinny but strong.  "Sure, if you tell me your name" I said. "Oh me?  My name is Brook, Brandon's sister" She said with a big smile on her face.  Yep, I would have guessed that.  "Well Brook, my name is Alex, and sure you can pet my horse.  His name is Jolt, but pet him right here" I rubbed his front shoulder. "He loves to be rubbed here.  Anyone else want to say hi to Jolt?" I asked, just to make sure.  Most of them, if any, most likely have never seen a horse in real life as young as they are, unless there were horses nearby, because there were no others here that I have seen so far.


After spending about an hour with the kids, it started to get dark outside.  We were playing hide-and-seek, me and Jolt being the seeker.  I found the kids and made sure they were all here, it would kind-of be bad if I lost a kid, you think?  "Alright guys, it's starting to get a little dark out here, I should get you home we wouldn't want to get in trouble would we now?" I asked, walking slowly forward.  "Sure I guess so, mama and papa wouldn't care anyways.  We're with you Luna!" she said clearly exited.  "Maybe, but we should get home anyways its close to your bedtime isn't it?" I asked.  "Yep, but shh don't tell my parents they don't know I stay up late." She said, putting her finger to her lips. 

I walked them home.  They all surprisingly lived on the same block, next to each other.  Good kids.  I thought.  I went home after meeting all of the kids' parents, and apologizing for bringing them home late. 

I slowly got on top of a now sleeping Jolt, and rode back to the pasture, untacking and turning him out.  I took my time, wondering how I was going to thank Brandon for all of this...


so this guy walked up to me today...he literally wrote 867-5309 on my hand and told me to call him... don't know what to think about that... you know the drill... keep or delete

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