Under Attack

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"Hey you're one of the super soldier things right?"
"I guess" i replied still a little groggy from the sudden wake up call.
"What's happening?"
The doctor in front of me was about to reply when an explosion knocked him of his feat making him land face first onto a scalpel he writhed on the floor screaming in agony. Soldiers storm through the breaching hole I jumped into cover leaving the doctor I chambered my assault rifle.
"Let's go fuckboys" I said as I rose firing controlled bursts into anyone I saw with the enemy's uniform blood splattered the walls as screams seamed to echo of the walls but they weren't. I heard a sound behind me and rolled to the side just in time a knife pierced the wall going straight through it like butter.
"That's a sharp knife" I said "little kids shouldn't play with those"
"Fuck you" he screamed as I easily caught his wrist broke it caught the knife on the way down and slit his throat in one easy motion. His corpse fell to the floor blood pouring from the wound making a gurgling sound.
"Bubby got a booboo" I said mockingly, three more soldiers turned and ran seeing their friend cut down so easily. I threw the knife into the closet ones leg and shot the other two with a pistol. I walked up to the last soldier, picked him up by the neck put the pistol to his jaw and pulled the trigger.

I sprinted outside into the fray explosions everywhere lasers and bullets alike whizzed by my head I pulled up my assault rifle and started to take well aimed bursts. I secured a route to the most important looking guy in my side and ran over to him I heard a feral scream from the other side. I looked over my shoulder to see dog things charging us taking sexier all bullets each before going down. I sprayed a clip into the tidal wave of things but it was useless I ducked down hoping they would jump over me. Just as I ducked down I saw the person that looked important go down and realised he was a sergeant
"Wonder why I didn't notice that before" I muttered.
The swarm of things went over me I looked up at their under bellies and realise they weren't dogs or humans but a weird mix of both. I shuddered as the dog like back legs ran in sink with the front human legs, the tidal wave stopped I looked over the top of the trench checking both sides as I went. The things were gone and so was everyone else anyone alive got executed by troops walking around.
"We need to move" someone behind me said
I spun around swinging wildly with a knife which was easily caught mid swing
"Oh it's you" I said lowering my knife.

We sprinted having given up the attempt at stealth when someone spotted us a grenade flew by my head landing several meters in front of us I pulled out my pistol and shot it making it explode prematurely.
"Let them out" someone shouted, feral howling erupted behind us I looked behind us to see the dog/human things loping towards us.
"What are those?" I asked not changing pace
"Those are their hunting dogs"
"Probably not a good time to ask questions is it?"
I looked over my shoulder to see the dog/humans creatures charge, knocking me to the ground they jumped on me and started clawing at my armour. I slammed the surprisingly light body of the thing to the ground smashing its skull, I scrambled to my feat and shot the closest ones before sprinting away again. I pulled the pin on a grenade and dropped it at my feat five seconds later I heard an explosion behind me and the screams of the mutants as they got layered with shrapnel, an arm flew past me leaving a trail of blood on the ground. I dropped more and more grenades when I ran out I shot my assault rifle at them
I figured I had enough distance and climbed up a tree grazing and scratching myself in the process when I got to the top I started shooting the things. Finally I shot the last of them but figured they would send more and hunkered down as best I could which wasn't much, being in  a forest and all. I found a strong branch, sat down and thought about the attack, who were those people and those dog human mutants? I started muttering to myself about possibilities and drifted of to sleep. I woke up to the motion of air rushing towards me and then past me
"Holy Sh-" I hit the ground with a sickening crack that seemed to reach out for miles before subsiding. I lay there awhile as a flaring pain appeared in my chest i tried to look around but my vision was a blur
"Tall tree" I said before passing out.

I coughed causing blood to shoot out of my mouth. I tried to roll over which sent even more pain flaring through my body I crawled to a tree and looked up at where I was and there was nothing their no branch no tree.
"Fuck" I said as best I could clutching my gun in my hands where my tree was, is now a desert. I stuck a syringe full of mutated platelet cells into my now profusely bleeding chest and lay there until the blood stopped flowing like a torrent. Forest or desert I thought to myself, the forest is probably filled with... God doesn't even no what but a desert on the other hand, bugs, creatures, hot and no cover.
"Forest it is then" another round of coughing made another somewhat smaller puddle of blood spurt out of the hole made by the rib bone poking out of my chest.
My vision blurred and I nearly vomited. My vision slowly cleared and I looked up
"Shit, how'd that happen" she asked as though this was normal, she got up and I saw that it was the red head that seemed to be in charge.
"Fell of a tree" I replied after a few seconds
"Do you know where we are?" She asked I shook my head the pain of speech being to great for me to handle.
"Well we need to get moving, find civilisation" with that she walked off with me following at a limp behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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