On The Run

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I ran through the forest hoping like hell that the traps I'd set would buy me some time, it's been three days and they've already found me how the hell did they do that. Well I guess I should've killed Jek but he was just following orders. Quickly I ripped my thoughts back to me as a bullet whizzed past going through a tree. "Holy fuck" I shouted as several more whizzed past I'm just one fugitive. I looked behind me to see one of the soldiers trip... Bad move, when I looked forward again they had a fucking tank fully manned and all I am one fucking prisoner, I even helped save a cruiser. By the time all this crossed my mind I had no choice it was fight, or die. I sprinted not slowing down and jump kicked a soldier sending him flying while doing this I ripped the gun from his hands and shot three guys. That left two more soldiers and a tank they started firing I slid between one legs and uppercut him the next I jumped on pulled out his pistol and executed him. Still the tank I thought to myself as I grabbed his rifle and grenades the tank shot at me and I jumped out of the way but still got launched from the blast. I slowly got up and when the people in the tank realised I was alive they shot again this time I dodged it and sprinted at the tank jumping on top I popped the hatch and a shotgun blast rang out from inside. I recoiled slamming the hatch down "fuck I'm losing my touch" i said I jumped off the tank and dropped the pins I was still holding then BOOM the shockwave from the exploding tank knocked me of my feat. "You know that was a rebel tank not the military's" I spun around gun at the ready "well when we kill you I'll make sure you go down as the guy who destroyed a tank". "Who are you?" I said "I am someone who works for someone who wants you dead" "right I'm gonna give five seconds to run". I started counting down in my head and at three I pulled the trigger, click seems about right I thought. I pulled out my sidearm at the same time he did and started firing one two three i counted as all of them hit their target right between the eyes. I went over to his body to search for evidence I found nothing I started walking away when I heard mad giggling behind me and a raspy voice "not so fast". I turned and what I saw was impossible, the man had survived three bullets to the head and was on his feet charging me I hit him in the gut which would normally make someone double over but he just sook it off like nothing. "What the fuck are you?" I asked as an impossibly long arm snaked out of its socket and well snaked along the ground towards me no blood or anything. I realised their was no chance of fighting this thing so I ran out of the clearing into the forest and kept on running even when I heard the things steps and gurgling fade away I kept running. When I couldn't run anymore I set myself down behind a tree. Three minutes later I couldn't stay awake and I passed out. I woke up three hours later with cuffs around my hands "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT" I shouted when I realised "shut up prisoner" he tried to hit me with the but of his gun but I raised my hands and swiped it away and kicked his knee out. "If I'm a prisoner well this is a prison break" I said quietly in his ear then snapped his neck, the crack from it made a prisoner on the transport behind me gag "dude A we are not prisoners and B he was an elite guard". I held up my shackles to him and cocked an eyebrow "not prisoners are we?" "No you're not those were to prevent ah... violent outbursts which clearly failed." "We've arrived anyway" she said she signalled to for us to follow. Warily I stepped over the corpse of the soldier still gurgling as air tried to escape through the blood in his throat. As we walked I memorised the layout of the base we passed rooms with blacked out glass which looked as though they had no doors. The women suddenly stopped her short scarlet red hair swaying the smallest amount. "This is your stop" she pushed us in the full white room and I looked around seeing nothing but solid white walls. "What's your name by the way?" "Don't have one" I replied "we'll call you wolf" she said as she slammed the door shut. "Well shit" the other guy said as we looked around I walked over to a wall and slid down it I was about to ask his name when mini guns burst out of the walls and shredded him I jumped up and jumped on top of the nearest one "shit". More mini guns burst forth not allowing me a moment of peace the noise was deafening I ran around the room with my cuffs on. Hmm if I can get these cuffs off I thought when a mini gun burst from the wall in front of me I do picked down and put the cuff link over the barrel as the mini gun started up I looked away and realised there was a small hole in the roof. The mini gun splintered the cuff links and I climbed on top of it and jumped to the next one up clinging on with my bare hands slowly, I pulled myself up on the mini gun lumped to the next one and got into a beat jumping and swinging until I got to the hole. I looked into the hole above me that's gonna take a long time as I reached up into it the mini gun I was standing on retracted and I barely had time to grab on to the edges and pull myself in. Pushing myself against the wall so I didn't slip down I tried to figure out how to get up the shaft. My legs were burning I felt like I was going to slip but I had made progress I couldn't see the start of the shaft but I thought I could see light up ahead. "These people are insane" I said to myself I continued forward I had no idea how far I'd come, but the light was far closer then before. I finally reached the shaft of light and I realised it was grated. I pushed against the wall with my legs moving my hands away I slipped down a few centimetres "shit" i said. I slowly started to look at the grate and how to undo it, I looked through the grate on the other side and all the screws were loose "wow," I said to myself "quality building. I reached through the grate and undid two screws with my hand and brought it back down pressing on the wall of the metal shaft. As I reached my other hand up the leg that got shot gave out and I shot out my hand grabbing the grate bars "fuck a duck in the ass with a blunt stick!" I shouted I realised I couldn't do anything now unless, I undid the third bolt "oh well if I die i die." I undid the fourth bolt stuck my legs into the shaft walls as the grate flew down the shaft when I let go... Ding I heard the metallic sound Echo throughout the shaft as I worked my way back up the twenty or so inches I went down. I grabbed the edges of the shaft and pulled my self put to a windy exterior I lay on my back for a minute I finally looked up "shit."

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