The Tests

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I got to my feet and looked around I was on the top of a skyscraper, looking forward I saw a swarm of enemies all with guns trained on me
"Now this is over the top"
I scanned the ground looking for anything that might help me eliminate them. I saw nothing when without warning they simultaneously shot their guns. On instinct I dropped to the ground and sprung back up making them miss both bursts of fire I charged at the nearest one and used him as a human shield a spray of bullets made mince meat out of him showering me in blood I pulled out his pistol and threw him to the ground. I rolled to the right barely stopping in time to prevent falling of the edge I shot an entire clip each of the bullets going into their target. I threw the pistol into another then then roundhouse kicked him over the edge another burst of fire rang out whistling past me. One Buller hit me in the arm, I cried out in pain but immediately I jump kicked the guy who did it.with my good arm I pulled the pin on someone grenade and kicked him into the group. Only three people managed to jump out of the way the rest exploded in starting a chain reaction as all the grenades exploded on their belts.
Is all I said as half an assault rifle went flying right next to me. The three remaining troopers laid down their weapons, then started smiling.
"What Ar-"
I dived out of the way as a torrent of flame went a good ten meters I rolled over the edge of the tower grabbing the side I shimmied along hand over hand. When I got behind him a quietly pulled myself up with two of the remaining guards looking at me. Before they could make a sound I knocked their heads together knocking them out I picked up their assault rifles one in each hand and sprung. I landed right behind the third guard kicked his knee out and pushed him over the edge. Just as I wondered where the flamer guy was I heard the sound of valves hissing I spun around and launched three kicks into the side of his knee making it buckle.
"That ain't gonna work pretty boy"
He said as he got up again he immediately pulled the trigger causing a torrent of flame to leap out at me I dogged out of the way. I kicked him in the back causing him to stumble I then unloaded two full magazines from the assault carbines into his head and back, Still he got up.
"What the fuck are you?"
"I, am the guy who has heavy armour and a big gun"
He dropped his flamethrower, raised his arms and mini mini guns came out. I kicked his faceplate while the mini guns whirred coming to life ready to shred anything in their way. I spun around behind him teetering on the edge of the building i grabbed him by the shoulders and fell backwards of the tower. I used him as a stepping stone and leaped towards The edge of the building. My hands gripped the edge tightly as a second later my body slapped against the wall, I hung there for a monument winded I slowly pulled myself up as I heard a distant splat.
"Long way down" I said to myself.
"You have passed a test"
I remained silent looking for the person speaking.
"Your next test starts now"
The building crumbled away around me with huge chunks shattering and splintering off from the building.
"Really" I said dryly.
I scrambled to the centre of the building ready to spring into action as the building caved in the last few bits I was on cracked away.
I slid down the chunk I was on and landed on another which disappeared under me I dropped onto the price below it which also disappeared, soon I was simply free falling to The ground. When i hit the ground everything went black no I could hear muffled noise like someone speaking and a distant beep, beep, beep,
"what the hell is this?" I asked myself.

I awoke in a white room with a bright light shining from above
"Welcome back to the world of the living, Wolf"
"What the hell was that?" I demanded
"That was merely the first test"
"What the fu-"
The bright light above me surged and then blackness again, this time I was swimming through inky blackness, there was nothing except for a spec, a white light. I was breathing fine when oxygen rushed from my lungs i desperately rushed to the surface which never came. I soon saw that it was hopeless and tried instead for the white light which only got further away, but still I tried. I swam for what felt like hours wondering why I hadn't drowned when bright light rushed towards me and engulfed me in its light.
I was back in uniform walking along a road military grade armour covered me from head to toe I stopped shocked at this transformation.
"MOVE IT TROOPER" someone shouted right in my ear
"Yes sir" I said stamping my foot down.
"The sergeant giving you a hard time again?" Someone asked
I stayed silent not knowing the voices owner
"Don't worry when the plan gets set in motion he won't, ever give anyone a hard time."
Hours later we were still marching on, losing formation I walked up to the sergeant and asked where we were going all if I got in response was: "DID YOU NOT PAY ATTENTION DURING MY BRIEFING?"
I was about to ask another trooper when he turned to me, eyes gouged face torn, skin hanging of in shreds I recoiled in horror realising where we were and what was going to happen. I pushed through the horde of burnt faces gouged eyeballs their skin sticking to me.
"This didn't ha-"
Everything suddenly vanished like someone pressed the power button
"Is he up?" I heard shouting in the blackness.
"He's coming to"
I started getting sucked from all directions pulling me apart then I snapped back to consciousness alarms blaring gunshots ringing out.
"We're under attack" is all I heard
Someone injected me with adrenaline forcing my body awake and someone shoved a gun and armour into my hands.
"Put these on"
I shock my head clearing the dizzying fog that still encased my mind and got in the gear thrown at me.
"We're under attack."

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