IChapter 1: The Heart Breaking.

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Naruto is at home alone again. It's one of those nights. He wished that Kiba was here so that he wasn't at the house by himself. There's always a place in his heart that feels empty when Kiba's not here. He loved Kiba so much it hurt but sometimes it seemed as though the other didn't even care for Naruto's existence. He wanted to call his boyfriend out of sheer impulse. He knew Kiba wouldn't pick up and that made him sad because he wanted the brunette to come home as soon as possible. He had to call even though he felt like he was being needy. So he did....and yet again, no one answered.

This made Naruto more depressed about the situation every time he did it. He went back to sit on the couch, his legs were tired from pacing. He clicked on the TV not really caring what was on just anything to get his mind off Kiba. Though almost every station had something on that made him think of his brunet. Sighing he turned it off; Naruto laid his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes. Where are you Kiba?

Kiba got home hours later. He knew that the blonde shinobi would be sleeping on the couch again. He quietly opened the door and saw him as he thought, cuddling with a pillow. He was quite adorable but Kiba being the uncaring person that he was looked at Naruto and then walked into his room. Naruto had heard the door open but didn't want to move. He hoped that this time Kiba might wake him up and call him to their bed, but his hopes were dashed again as the jounin just walked past without a second glance.

Naruto, for the third time that week, felt like crying. He hated being so attached to a person that seemed not even notice his presence. But he loved Kiba so he could get past some of the offending qualities he had about himself. It was okay with Naruto as long as the Inuzuka still cared enough to love Naruto and keep him around. He stood up and grabbed the pillow he was holding. Walking to the fair sized room he stopped in the doorway, "Where did you go tonight Kiba?" Naruto asked with genuine concern in his voice.

"I went to work on some of the jutsus I've been perfecting," Kiba said in the boring voice he used whenever Naruto asked him that question. The younger chunnin looked at Kiba's face and saw nothing but the impassive mask he usually saw. Why can't you let down that wall you've held up for so long? Naruto thought, don't you think it's time you let me in. I want to be able to share what I feel with you but you don't seem to care either way...

The blonde walked over to the queen size bed and got under the covers next to Kiba. The brown haired boy turned over and slept with his back facing Naruto. The fox had to bite his lip to make sure he didn't let anything slip while he was this tired. Naruto went to sleep with these thoughts swirling around in his head.


Naruto was excited. Today was the first time he had an afternoon off in a while. He planned on going back to their house and invite Kiba on a date with him. He smiled brightly at the thought of finally being able to have some time with him. He raced home and opened the door with a bang. "I'm home!" he calls out to thin air. Maybe he's out again. Naruto frowned at the thought. He went from the exterior of the house into the dining room. He wasn't eating lunch, he might be watching TV.

Naruto walked into the living room and found the most horrifying sight. Kiba was on the couch, his shirt was off, and beneath him was a black haired Shinobi. They didn't even notice that someone else had joined them. A tear spilled down the blonde's cheek he couldn't believe what was happening right before his eyes. Then he looked at Kiba's face and the river tears flowed down his face. The brunet's face was contorted into sheer pleasure, not even Naruto got to see Kiba like that when they were having sex.

"You're such an asshole, Kiba," Naruto shouted at the surprised brunet.

"N-Naruto?" He jumped back from the Shinobi. "What are you doing home?" Naruto's eyes widened.

"You're sitting on the couch fucking some random person and you have the gall to ask me what I'm doing home?" He screeched. "I got the afternoon off to see if you wanted to go to lunch with me. But I guess you have more important things to do." He said as he pointed at the boy beneath Kiba. "Just go back to your screwing don't mind me because I'm leaving." With that Naruto turned on his heels, tears still streaming down his face, and left.

"W-wait Naruto!" Kiba leaped away from the boy and chased after Naruto grabbing his arm just as he walking out the door. Naruto turned and sad, angry eyes bore into Kiba's.

"You know Kiba, I'm flattered that you actually came after me, but you made your choice by fucking around, literally. Now let go of me so I can leave and you can walk back into that house with as little dignity as you have left." Naruto pulled his arm out of Kiba's grasp and started walking away. He turned slightly, "Oh, and tuck that thing in," Kiba looked down, "you'll catch a cold having it just hang there." He left without another word, no looking back or anything. He kept his face front because he thought that if he looked back even for a second he would go running back into the Inuzuka's waiting arms.

And Then...

Naruto got to his best friend Sai's, place by nightfall. He had meandered around the city all day, feeling so...empty. He looked at the wood door and thought about whether he should bug his friend or not. Then a cold breeze ruffled through his hair and decided for him. He lifted his hand and knocked three times. Luckily Sai was never one to really venture out without somewhere to be, so the paper pale boy answered the door within moments.

"Oh, good evening, Naruto-Kun. May I ask why you're out so late?" Sai asked.

"Um, I just needed a place to crash; do you think I could spend the night?" the fox asked nervously. Sai smiled, still that creepy fake smile. At least Sai was honest when he said that he had no emotions.

"Sure. I always have room for a friend in need." He ushered Naruto in and closed the door behind them. Every time Naruto was here he was amazed at how wonderful Sai's artwork was. He started roaming around the room looking from painting to painting. Sai lets him look around for a bit but wonders why Naruto was here and not home.

"Hey Naruto-Kun," the blonde looked up from the ocean painting, "why are you staying here instead of being at your home with Kiba?" Naruto's eyes became hardened and watery.

"Because Kiba's a cheating, lying bastard and I hate him." Even though half those words weren't true. He wanted to believe them all. "He was using me the entire time, Sai. And I followed him like a lost puppy every day. I loved him and he just threw it back in my face." By then Naruto was crying for the second time that night.

Sai didn't really know what to do but read in a book somewhere that a hug can comfort someone who was sad. So he walked over to Naruto and wrapped his arms awkwardly around the crying boy. "Tell me what happened, Naruto. It might make you feel better." Naruto looked up and nodded. They sat down on the stools at Sai's painting table. He spilled everything to the ninja sitting in front of him.

After they were done Naruto had cried so much he couldn't cry anymore. Sai patted his b ack and told him he would be okay. That everything would work out the way it was supposed to. Wise words for the emotionless nin. He must have read it in a book. Naruto rubbed his eyes and yawned. Sai noticed and led him to the only guest room in the apartment.

Before Sai left the room he asked if Naruto would like to stay at his house for the time being. Naruto smiled; even though Sai was oblivious he could be really kind sometimes. He said yes and Sai walked away. Naruto stripped to his boxers and got into the big bed. It felt so empty without Kiba there.

He could still smell the Brunet's scent. Though Naruto thought he had cried his fill tears still welled in his eyes at the thought of the brunet. He couldn't stop picturing that look on Kiba's face while he was inside that other man. That's when he cried. He could never do that for Kiba. Most of the time he couldn't even see Kiba when they slept together. He pounded into him while Naruto was on his hands and knees, which made him cry harder. Quiet sobs could be heard throughout the still room. He fell asleep sobbing over a boy that never really loved him.

OK, guys. There's the book for you. Please tell me if you like the book cover and this chapter. If you do please leave a vote and leave a comment on Kiba The Douche. Anyways thank you and hope you wait for the next chapter. And don't hate me right now ok, the good parts are about to come in the next chapter. THANK YOU AND GOODBYE. By the way, I wrote this chapter while listening to this song.

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