Chapter 10: The Mess

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Naruto did anything he could to be away from home. But now he was home...alone. I guess it couldn't be helped when you lived on your own. He hoped he would find somebody that would make him not feel lonely anymore.

Earlier today he got out of bed and shook his head trying to rid himself of the depressing thoughts. He had to go to practice again. What the fuck.... Why do I have to go to practice today? What's the point? But he got up and dressed in a white muscle shirt and tight black pants. If I'm gonna see Kiba I might as well make myself presentable. He splashed water on his face and he cleaned his hair. Naruto checked the clock and rushed to practice.

Kiba saw Naruto when he got there and felt the blood rush downwards. Naruto's hair was still wet; dripping beads of water fell down his face and across his neck. His tight leather pants showed everything Kiba could never have, and white shirt was partially see through, showing the toned muscled chest. The brunet sighed; this was going to be a long practice.

Practice ended with Kiba and Ino dueling and Naruto watching, but mostly messing with a butterfly. He laughed and batted at it like a cat. It was adorable; Kiba was so distracted by the sight that he almost got hit twice. By the end Kiba had blown a hole in a tree and Ino had messed up the ground so bad it looked like an earthquake had happened. Naruto smiled and yelled over to Ino.

"Hey Ino-chan, you wanna go out to lunch with me?" he asked hopefully.

She thought for second and realized it'd probably be ramen again. "Sorry can't. I'm going shopping with Hinata and Sakura. Maybe some other time."

"K, then I'll see ya later!" He smiled widely but falsely and left.

So that's how he ended up sitting in his house, hoping someone would knock on his door and save him from his loneliness. He remembered that he had told his friends about living in the knew apartment, Sai, Sasuke, Ino and Kiba....Kiba. He missed him so much, even though he was a complete ass. He was mean and fucked up, but Naruto still missed him. He missed just being with the raven. To sit snuggled up next to the grumbling brunet and tell him about everything, whether or not he wanted to hear it. To tell Kiba that he loved he loved him. A single tear slid down the boy's face.

No, he mustn't cry over somebody who broke his heart. He looked at the clock and it was around six, his stomach grumbled. He guessed he should get something to eat. So he went to Ichiraku's hoping ramen would lighten his mood, it usually did. The blonde ordered his favorite miso ramen and sat down.

Sasuke arrived at Ichiraku's. He saw Naruto was sitting at one of the barstools eating his ramen, well more like plowing through his ramen. This is what he had hoped to find. He sat down next to his friend, who glanced up and gave him a huge grin which made his stomach have butterflies. He laughed nervously and said hello. What's wrong with me? I've never been nervous like this around any guy I liked before. Sasuke was lost in his own thought while Naruto finished his food.

"Thanks, Teuchi. It was delicious as always!"

"I should be thanking you Naruto. See ya around." The store owner called.

"Yeah, see ya!" Sasuke listened to the cheerful banter between the two and had to smile. At least Naruto was faring better after what happened. It really hurt Sasuke to see Naruto like that. He was so broken and he never wanted to see Naruto in that state again.

"Hey, Sasuke. You wanna come over for a while. I just got a new movie that I've been dying to watch and tonight's the only night I've had free in a while." He says, but kind of loses confidence in this last statement. He rubbed the back of his neck, "If you want to..."

"Of course!" he says quickly. Sasuke smiles at Naruto and the boy couldn't help but have a feeling of warmth flow through him. It put a smile back on Naruto's face. "I'd love to." They headed back to Naruto's small apartment. "So what's the movie about?"

"Well there's this guy who can go into other people's dreams and steal information from that persons mind. Then he gets put on this huge job to pull off something called an inception, where there are like three levels of a dream where they get this guy to tell him the secret of his father's company." Naruto was nearly bouncing up and down by the end of the explanation.

"That sounds really interesting." Sasuke smiled. They continued down the darkening pathway.

"The moon looks beautiful tonight," Naruto said wistfully. Sasuke glanced up.

" does," he eyes fell back on the awestruck blonde. Moonlight streamed onto him, making the boy glow wonderfully, "but you look way more beautiful tonight." Sasuke leaned down and kissed Naruto, whose mouth was slightly ajar from the sudden compliment. The raven lover pulled back and Sasuke followed trying to taste more of Sasuke, to feel more. He pressed himself flush against the raven and tangled his hands in the silky locks. Naruto pulled back leaving Sasuke with his tongue slightly sticking out of his mouth.

"Come on." The fox grabbed Sasuke's hands entwining their fingers. They went back to Naruto's place. "Well then I guess I'll get the movie ready. You can get a pop out of the fridge and there's popcorn and snack in the cabinet right of the stove." He smiled and walked into the living room.

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