Chapter 5

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The clearing, at first, seemed empty apart from a few bushes and trees spread about here and there. But as they approached, Maria saw that they weren't bushes, but huts! Loads of little wooden huts,camouflaged so well with leaves and flowers, that from afar they weren't noticeable! It was a sort of village,and Maria could make out people walking around, entering huts,children playing on the ground,ladies weaving...There was so much going on! It reminded Maria of the tribes she has learnt about in history books...but these weren't the sort of tribe people,for they all wore brown or green tunics and large caps. Maria suddenly remembered that she too was still wearing her woollen hat, and felt thankful that her ears were still covered.

 In the centre of the little village was a bigger hut, Maria assumed that is belonged to the leader.

As they entered the village,the people stopped whatever they were doing and starred,making Maria feel uneasy. She hadn't been scared up till now,but the glares of the villagers and the curious eyes of the children made her feel otherwise. It now dawned on her that she was a prisoner in an unknown tribe,in an unknown forest,in and unknown world! What if they were cannibals?! No, that was silly, if they were cannibals,they would have killed her right away...right?

They were now making their way towards the larger hut in the middle of the village. Maria's legs started shaking, and Orinth and her twin had to practically drag her between them. They reached the large entrance which was guarded by a tall and strong intimidating young man. Maria found that Orinth seemed a lot less scary next to him. He eyed the trio before speaking. "Orinth, Beledir, what have you here?" It was Orinth who replied. "We found this one snooping around not far from the Hidden Shrine, we found it suspicious and I thought it best to bring her to Lord Bradan. She might be a spy!"  Beledir shot an angry glance at her, which made Maria smile slightly, despite her fear. The guard stared at Maria through slitted eyes, causing her to lower hers to the ground. He then stepped away from the entrance to the hut and told them to make it quick.

They entered the large hut. The main room was the largest, with a long table in the middle which was decorated with all sorts of wild flowers. To the right were three doors leading to smaller rooms, and to the left were two doors. They turned towards the closest door on the right and Orinth knocked three times. Maria jumped at the booming voice which answered. "Enter!"

Beledir pushed the door open slowly, and Maria found herself being pushed into the room also, her heart beating fast. She was unsure of who was inside this room, but she felt sure it was someone important. It was a darker room than the other ones, and was only lighted by two torches on the other side of the wall. In the middle was a small table, covered with what seemed to look like old parchments. A chair sat next to it and was occupied by a man who must have been in his late fifties. He had a long gray beard and a pointed nose. His wrinkled eyes seemed to cut through Maria, and he reminded her very much of Mrs Larrisa, the head of the orphanage. Like the others, her also wore a cap which covered his ears.

He got up from his chair and stared at Orinth questioningly, then asked the same question as the guard at the door. Orinth explained all over again about how they had found Maria, who had refused to answer their questions, and how they thought it best to bring her to him. "And so, my Lord, what shall we do with her?" Maria noted the tone of respect that Orinth now employed, and she guessed that this must be the Lord Bradan they had been talking about.

The old man stroked his beard and eyed Maria, which made her shudder. This seemed to amuse him, and he approached the poor young girl. She lowered her eyes, but he grabbed her chin in his strong hand and forced her to look into his black eyes.

"Who are you and how dare you intrude on our peaceful village?" He asked violently and angrily.

This was all too much for Maria, who suddenly felt sick. Her legs went weak beneath her, and the last thing she heard before she blacked out was "Take her to the Whingwey!"

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