Chapter 11

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A small waterfall trickled down into the lake, which was barely visible through the tangling branches of the surrounding trees. A sort of glow reflected off the silver pool, and a low buzzing sound could be heard. Apart from this and the soft tinkle of the waterfall, all was silent.

A sense of ease crept up and lulled Maria's heart. She felt strangely serene in this dream-like atmosphere. Even the King appeared younger that before.

"My child," the King broke the silence, "I want you to know that we mean you no harm. This lake was enchanted eighteen years ago, when we first sought refuge in this forest. Only a true elf may drink from the lake. Any intruder with no wrong intentions who drinks from the lake shall fall into a deep sleep until She who we await returns. Any dangerous intruder who drinks from the lake shall die. You mean us no harm, so have no fear."

Have no fear? Have no fear?!  thought Maria. But if she isn't an elf, which Maria thought was highly likely despite the pointed ears, then she would slumber for who knows how long!

And yet, despite these thoughts, Maria was at ease. She wanted to worry, to be scared, to scream...but she couldn't, for she hadn't felt so calm and content in her whole life.

Drusten, who had remained silent, led her closer to the lake until they were standing right on the edge. Though he knew not what would happen, he also felt calm, as if he knew everything would be alright.

"Kneel down and drink." He said gently, with a kind smile. Maria hesitated. The water looked clear and inviting, yet she couldn't get the King's words out of her mind. Finally, seeing as she had no choice, she got on her knees slowly and dipped her hand into the shining waters.

The water was cool and clean in her hands, very much unlike the water at the orphanage, she thought. She bent her head slowly, her hair dropping lightly around her beautiful face. She opened her lips and brought them closer to her hands automatically, as if someone were controlling her movements. She wanted to fight it, for who knew what would happen once she took a sip of the water, and yet, all her being was pulled towards the water, attracted by it's mirror-like surface.

Finally, her lips touched the liquid, and she swallowed once, twice, three times. Once she had finished the load she had in her hands, she sat up, wide eyed.

She felt no different, and yet, she felt better, Stronger, and if the water had recharged her.

The three spectators watched silently, expectantly. Expecting what? None of them could say. Death? Certainly not! A deep slumber? Possibly...but then...nothing happened.

Maria turned her face towards the men with a questioning look upon her face. They all remained silent and slightly puzzled.

Slowly, Maria got on her feet and, with a shaky, uncertain voice, she managed to whisper:

"I think I have passed the test."

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