Chapter 9

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"Thank you so so much for letting me stay at your place for this weekend" Dan thanked his friend Pj as he was about to leave for his train back home. "Hope it wasn't much trouble" he spoke as he started shoving things into his bag, not really paying proper attention. He really didn't want to be late to his train, much like he was on Saturday morning.

Pj stood by the doorway with his hands shoved into his pockets "no problem, I actually had a friend staying here just before you came so all I had to do was change the sheets on the spare bed."

Just as Dan stood up from zipping up his bag, Pj spoke again, but more to himself "he's from Manchester too actually, not too far away from the university either."

"hmm? Sorry I didn't hear that, I zoned out a bit."

"Oh, don't worry about it, I was just talking to myself." Pj smiled at his friend as he opened the door "Have a good trip back home!"



"Why do I have this?" Dan mumbled to himself as he pulled a bright green York University hoodie from his bag once he was back in his dorm "Must have picked it up from somewhere..."


"Dan, why are you wearing a York hoodie?" Dan's friend Liam asked as they were walking to one of their lectures.

"Because it's really, really warm and its bloody freezing outside."

"Yeah, but why is it a York hoodie?"

"I don't know, I accidentally picked it up from somewhere, I don't even know anyone who went to York" Dan paused for a moment before mumbling "Also it smells really nice..."

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing, never mind"


Twenty four

"Hey Phil! I'm glad you came, I wasn't sure if you would show or not!" Chris greeted Phil as he walked into his house party "Peej should be around here somewhere" He said, looking around the room as he spoke. "Oh by the way, well done on getting that radio job!"

Phil quickly wrote into his journal "Thanks :)" before leaving Chris to his conversation with a few other people, in search for PJ.

Phil never use to be much of a fan for parties, well he still isn't, but nowadays he can quite enjoy himself at house parties.

Conversation was always a bit tricky though, seeing as he was always writing his part. He went into the kitchen and grabbed himself a drink and just as he was walking around the corner to one of the rooms, he was pulled to the side by his elbow.

"I was wondering when you'd get here!" PJ said, having to raise his voice a bit over the music that was playing in another room, "I want you to meet someone" He said to Phil before calling over to a tall boy standing in the middle of the room "Hey Dan, come here a moment!"


Twenty two

"PHIIILLLLLLLLL, you ready yet?!" Dan yelled across their flat. They had met about two years ago at a house party and quickly became best friends, possibly something else as well, but he wasn't going to go into that, it was a bit complicated. Phil had briefly once told him how he met his soulmate a while ago but it being for only a split second, so fast he couldn't even properly see what the guy looked like and that he had basically given up on finding them by this point. He told Phil how he didn't have one and both of them had just dropped the subject since.

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