One; New Year's party

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I looked at my watch 10.10pm

I was late for the New Year's party. I immediately picked up the pace upon realisation and swiftly took a turn to enter Topanga's. Once I enetered, two vaguely familiar faces of a girl and a guy stood before me.

" Pumpkin, why are you late?" Maya crossed her arms over her chest and raised her chin.

" Yeah Riles, you're never late for anything" Lucas nodded his head in agreement.

I nudged the side of Maya's elbow and she retaliated with a small chuckle followed by an obnoxious snort. "I was highly contemplating whether I should attend the party since it starts at 10!" I yakked. They sneered while shaking their heads horizontally.

I caster a glance over Maya's shoulder and immediately locked my Hazel Brown eyes on Farkle's Baby Blue ones. He looked attractively deceiving with his hair being styled in an occasional undercut and his excruciatingly tight maroon muscle tee revealing his biceps.

I simply couldn't take my eyes off him.

My eyes shifted to the side and realised that Smackle was beside Farkle the whole time. Their fingers were intertwined as both arms swung lazily between their bodies.

" Hey, lovebirds!" I commented reluctantly.

Farkle instantly raised his head up and pried his fingers away, in an attempt to distance himself away from Smackle. "I don't want to interfere you two lovebirds any further so i'll catch up with you both later" I said teasingly.

They smiled meekly with downcast eyes and returned their gaze back at me as I flashed them a bright and friendly smile. Afterwards, I left and grabbed a cup of chocolate maltose slushie from the counter.

I scanned the cafè and immediately went over to the red velvet couch that is unbelievably comfortable while I enjoyed my drink without any unnecessary interruption. Whilst observing the atmosphere, I saw two figures approaching from a distance.

I narrowed and squinted my eyes while my brows were meshed and blinked a few times in a desperate attempt to focus on both of the solid figures. Well, it turned out to be Maya and Lucas. Again.

" Hey, blondies!", I greeted. "Hello, Morotia M. Black" both Lucas and Maya replied in unison.

" What could be the possible reason for calling me that, hm?" I questioned in confusion.

" Probably because you seem like you're full of gloom and doom today, what's the matter Peaches?" Maya scrunched her brows.

" Yeah, is anybody or anything bothering you?, do you want me to get rid of that bully?" Lucas continued.
"Well, get ready to witness Lucas the good transform into a Texas heehaw!" she wiggled her brows and giggled.

" Everything is alright, I was just observing both of you since you guys look aDORKable together!" I squealed and threw my hands up in excitement.

" Whatever Miss klutz, but we're not together" she pursed her lips in disapproval. I chuckled and mimicked her pout teasingly. "You're gonna get it!" Maya snarled as she scrunched her nose.

" Oh Peaches you look adorable when you're angry!" I pinched the tip of Maya's nose playfully and flashed her a cheeky smile.

" Shut up, Riles" Maya retorted as her face revealed a faint flush of colour rising in her face. " Anyways, do you to dance along with us, Miss klutz?" she questioned.

" No thank you Cowgirl, i'm feeling a tad bit exhausted today" I declined her offer irresolutely. Truth is, I do want to dance however, I don't have the courage to do so because my dancing skills are weak and terrible. I'd probably be a huge laughing-stock of the school if I were to dance along anyways.

" Whatever floats your boat because i'm dancing with Ranger rick instead" Maya said, rolling her eyes and letting out a cold snigger.

Everyone raved through the night excluding me while I tried stealing a few glances of Farkle and it seems like neither him nor Smackle are raving unlike the others. Instead, they were sitting by the bay window, gazing the nightfall.

I took a few sip of my chocolate milk shake while silently scrutinising both Smackle and Farkle gazing the constellations of stars in the sky obliviously. I wished that I was there with Farkle instead of being left alone and sipping through my misery.


I looked into her eyes that sparkled from the light in the cafe and the moment felt truly magical. I squinted my eyes and started leaning in closer to her body. She did the same whilst focusing on my lips.

Not waiting any longer, I planted my eager lips to hers. At first, the kiss was rushed like a tiger after it's kill but it progressively turned into a slow, sloppy and soupy wet kiss that triggers repulsion rather than desire.

From the corner of my eye, I caught Riley glancing at me. Her brows were furrowed and she seemed rather irate and bewildered at the same time. I instantly pulled away from the kiss and shook my head in disbelief.

" Why did I do this?" I muttered angrily.


I was abrupt, It was the final straw that broke the Camel's back. My emotions went dull, my heart was aching and I reluctantly decided that it was emotionally draining to stay in Topanga's any further.

I instantly scuttled out of Topanga's as fast as my legs could carry me. Needless to say, I was tormented by jealousy and my heart couldn't handle the pain. Warm salty tears streamed down my face and my whole body went on shaking accompanied by huge sobs.

" Stop it!" I told myself, but I just couldn't stop weeping. Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, I tripped off the edge of a sidewalk due to my negligence.

" DANG IT, Miss Inner-Klutz!" I exclaimed.

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