Three; Elevator Crisis

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I pulled the comforter down and leaned on my stomach. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. The curtains were drawn, leaving the room dusky. I instantly slipped on my bunny slippers, procceding to draw the curtains open.

As I drew open the drapes, It revealed a wide window opened to the soft underworld breeze and shining bright sun rays.

Oh shit, I forgot that i'm going out for Breakfast today!

Before long, I pulled together a simple outfit which consists of a lace crop top and a Denim pencil skirt along with a pair of white Keds which I have yet to slip on. The outfit totally works yet looks as if I just threw it together at the last minute, which I did.

I walked towards the mirror by the back door and raked my eyes down myself in the full length mirror to study my outfit before shrugging my   shoulders, figuring that everything looks fine. Afterwards, I darted down the stairs in slippered feet, sticking closely to the walls.

" Honey, we're heading out in a minute!" Mom bellowed

" Mhm" I mummer while slipping on my shoes.

As soon as I entered the car, Mom instantly shoved the key into the ignition, and turned. "Goodbye Auggie and Daddy, have fun rotting at home!" I hollered as the engine started. "We'll have a great time without both of you!" Auggie roared

I rolled my eyes and laughed aloud. I feel like it's going to be a good day today - Well everyday is a good day in my dictionary.

So there we were, heading across st.Upid town and then taking a right turn to the mall for a wonderful breakfast at the tiny Chipotle restaurant right beside Sephora.

" Burritos?" Mom questioned.

" With extra guacamole!" I giggled.

We had arrived in Chipotle and was ready to order until Mom's phone rang. She immediately fished out her cell phone from her bag and answered the call.

" Honey, as much as I look forward to having breakfast with you, I have a client meeting I have to attend to that is an emergency," she held my hand in sympathy," Do you mind eating alone?" she asked.

I looked up at her as I furrowed my eyebrows, " What?" I asked.

" I will take that as a yes then," she smiled as she handed me 30 bucks before heading out of the mall.

There I was, standing all alone with my empty stomach with 30 bucks in my hand, in Chipotle. I sighed as I walked to the counter, ordering take-away so that I could  'enjoy' my meal at home with the comfort of Dad and Auggie instead.

After I was done ordering my take-away, I headed to Sephora since I still had a lot of time in my hands, plus It's right beside Chipotle. I ended up buying a tiny tin of cream lip-stain in Always-Red.

Afterwards, I made my way towards the service elevator. While I was waiting for the elevator, I took a quick glance behind me and noticed a 5.7 feet male with tangled Hazel brown bouffant hair wearing a black turtle neck paired with dark blue skinny jeans. S-shit Isn't that Farkle?

"Ding" The elevator door opened to  expose a empty lift shaft. I entered the elevator and "5" was displayed on the edge of the door at eye level. I immediately lowered down my head to avoid Farkle's gaze, but to no avail.

" R-riles? Is that you?"

I gently nodded my head and twiddled my thumb in nervousness. Soon enough, silence filled the air and the stillness seemed palpable. Then, there was a sudden jolting stop. The lights in the elevator began to flicker and there echoes a loud thump.

As soon as I realised that I was stranded in the elevator, I had the natural urge to panic. I started biting the insides of my cheek repetitively and kept pressing the alarm button numerous of times anxiously.

I have claustrophobia in which I have an irrational fear of having no escape or being closed-in and frequently results in a panic attack.

A trickle of sweat rolled down my brows and I could feel it travel downward. The drop of sweat rolled down my cheek, then dripped down my face. I wipped off the sweat off of my forehead and proceeded to pace back and forth. I became lightheaded and my hearing went dull, my lips felt chapped and my eyes felt gritty. It exactly feels like i'm about to faint.

" You seem anxious, are you okay?" Farkle questioned. He raised both his knitted eyebrows and tilted his head to get a clear glimpse of my face. I nodded my head and gave him a fake smile however, I was internally dying on the inside.

He dropped back both of his eyebrows and revealed a concerned look on his face. My palms got sweaty and my breaths got short due to my labored breathing.

" You have Claustrophobia and you can't cope well in tight places, don't lie to me Riles because you're absolutely not okay!"

He opened up his arms widely to gesture a hug. I immediately launched myself into his arms and buried my face on his chest. Not a mere second passed and I was already engulfed in a series of emotions. I continued breathing rapidly fast corresponding to my racing fast heartbeat.

Farkle's hands gripped my waist tightly, clasping his hand around my stomach as if he was afraid I'd let go.
He ran his fingers through my hair, his touch so gentle that it felt like a warm summer breeze. Then, he planted two soft lips on my forehead, kissing it gently.

I almost lost my ability to breathe and  felt him breathing quietly Progressively, I slowly regained control my breathing. I pulled his hand away and decided to sit down and curl myself convulsively into a fetus-like ball.

Awkward silence filled the air again and I started picking the skin around my newly manicured nails. " Hey Riles, why did you leave Topanga's early the other day?" Farkle questioned.

" I felt lightheaded and woozy so I headed home to get proper rest" I lied through my teeth. He nodded his head sympathetically, seems like he believed my lie.

" Do you want to hear some Science facts?, I tell them to my sister every time she gets bored, to entertain her" Farkle questioned.

I nodded my head in agreement and started listening attentively to what Farkle told me while I bent my head and smiled pleasantly.

The realisation came slow and late, but clear. Farkle only sees me as a sister and has been loving me platonically yet I thought that he loved me romantically all along. My heart tightened as it shattered into tiny pieces.

The truth hit me hard, like a stone hitting the ground. Maya was right, hope IS for suckers.

" Do you know that Penguins have an organ above their eye that turns Saltwater into Freshwater?"

" That's amazing!" I faked my enthusiasm.

Coincidentally, the elevator went back to normal. It was known that the repair man was sent off a few minutes ago and they adjusted the control mechanism right away, thank goodness.

Suddenly my phone beeped, previewing a chain of messages from an Unknown number.

Sent from Unknown; Had fun getting stuck inside the elevator?

Sent from Unknown; Did you freakout?

Sent from Unknown; I'm sure you did.

Who the hell Is this?

A/n;  Does Farkle actually love Riley platonically? ANYWAYS
THANKYOU for 400+ reads, it means a lot to me! I love everyone single one of you. SPECIAL thanks to people who voted and commented on my chapters, ya'll are the MVP!

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