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Hi guys!

I just wanted to let you all know that, next week, I will not be able to update at all sadly. I legit have something all day everyday for the next week and won't be able to update until probably the 16th of November...

I might get an update or two in here or there but I can't promise anything :P. And, if I do get one out, it probably won't be on my schedule.

If you forgot the schedule, here it is again:

Monday- R5 Preferences and Imagines

Tuesday- Saving Angels

Wednesday- R5 Preferences and Imagines

Thursday- Saving Angels

Friday thru Sunday- No update

Oh! And also, I changed the cover image of the story because the last one was cut out :P. Just to let you all know :). 

Thanks for reading guys and I am so sorry! I will probably be dead after this coming week so, it was nice knowing you all. Syanara!

Peace out peeps!

~ Maddie

R5 Preferences And ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora