Dates With The Boys

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After a while, the other two boys walked over to us. They introduced them selves to be Zayn Malik and Liam Payne. Some music started playing after a while. I started using my fingers and dromming on the bar table thing. "Show them your beatboxing skills!" Aubrey said. "Do you guys want me to?" I asked them. "Yeah!" Louis said. "If you want to, Lass." Niall said. "Alright I will." I said with a smile and ran up to the DJ table. I asked him to play random songs then said "Please play DNA by Little Mix." I said. 

The man nodded and typed something into his computer. I ran back to were my friends were sitting. I heard some of Survivor start playing and I started beat boxing. 

~~After beat boxing~~

I looked at the boys. They stared at me like I was crazy. "That bad, huh?" I asked, biting my lip. "Are you kidding?!?!? That was like..." Liam said then he motioned that his mind was blown. I smiled. "Thanks." I said. I glanced at my phone ans said "I think I need to get home." "Can I take your car Lexi?" Lille asked me. "Yeah that is fine with me." I said. Us girls stood up. I handed my keys to Lille. All the boys stood up to. "We should get going to." Harry said. 

We all walked outside. "How are you getting home if Lille is taking your car?" Zayn asked me. "I'll walk." I told him with a smile. We all said bye and went to our cars. Well except me, I started walking home. I heard someone running behind me. I looked beside me when I saw the person stop. It was Niall. "Do you mind if I walk you home?" He asked. "Yeah. Sure." I said, not wanting to be mean. 

"So were are you from?" I asked. "Ireland." He said, then added "Mullingar, Ireland." I smiled. "From the same place but never seen each other." I said. Niall chuckled. We didn't talk for a while, because we both didn't know what to say. I felt a hand in mine. (side picture) I let him hold my hand. "You didn't need to walk me home. You could have gone with your friends." I said. I immediately  regretted it when I say the hurt on his face. "I'm sorry, that was rude." I apologized. "I just wanted to make sure you got home safely." He said quietly. "Niall, I'm sorry. I really am." I said. I gave him a side hug. He turned and gave me a full hug. "Its alright, Lass" He said and continued walking home. 

~~At Lexi's Home~~

I walked up to the front door. I opened the door. "Want to come in for a spell?" I asked, standing beside the open door. "Sure." Niall said, walking in. "Be right back." I said and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a small peice of paper and a pen. I wrote down my number. I walked back to were he was standing. "Lexi?" Niall asked, he seemed worried. "Yes Niall?" I asked. "Would you... um.... Like to go... um... Out sometime?" He asked. "Yeah.... Yeah that would be nice." I said. I say Niall's face lighten up. "Well I better go." Niall said. He went to go out the door. 

He closed the door. I quickly opened the door and saw him walking towards the street. "Nial!" I almost shouted. Niall stopped and turned on his heels. I ran down the steps and ran to him. I gave him a hug then handed him the little peice of paper with my number on it. "Call me sometime if you want to talk." I said. "Even though it was dark, I could see that Niall was smiling. "I will." Niall promise. "Could I pick you up at seven tomorrow?" Niall asked after a little bit. "Yeah. That would be fine." I said. Niall leaned down and kissed me lightly on the cheek. "Good night Niall." I said. "Good night Lexi." Niall said. After he said that he walked away.

I ran back inside and locked the door. I went up to my room and called Aubrey.

"Aubrey here. Whats up Lexi?" I heard after 3 rings. "Niall asked me out on a date." I reported. "Louis asked me out to!" Aubrey almost shouted into the phone. "OMG!" I shreeked. "Hey I got to go to bed. 'Night!" Aubrey said. "'Night, Lass!" I said and hung up. Right after I hung up I got another call. It was from Lille. "Lexi here. Whats up Lille." I said. "Harry asked me out!" she almost shouted into the phone. "Niall asked me out to!" I said. 

"OMG! Have you talked to Aubrey?" Lille asked me. "Yeah. She said that Louis asked her out." I said. "That is like..... WOW! I mean like, we just met them and they want to go out with us. How cool is that?!?!?" Lille said. I could tell she was excited. "Mom wants me to go to bed now. Good night Lexi!" Lille said and hung up. "'Night Lille." I said to the beeping tone in my ear. 

I took a quick shower and got dressed. I got in bed and was almost asleep when my phone buzzed. I just got a text. I opened the text and it read: Sweet Dreams Lexington. XoX ~Niall J. Horan

I texted him back: You to Niall :) XoX ~Lexi

Just then I got a request for Facetime. I accepted the request. Before I knew it I was looking at Niall's face. "Hello Niall." I said, waving. "Hello Lexi." Niall said in return. "Niall go to sleep!" I heard someone whine. "Hold on, Liam! I'm talking to Lexi!" Niall shouted at Liam, who I couldn't see. Just then someone took Niall's phone. I saw Harry's face. "Hello Love!" He said with a smile. "Hello Harry." I said, smiling back at him. Harry's face was soon replaced with Louis' face. "Hello Louis." I said, waving. "Hello Lexi!" Louis said. Louis' face was soon replaced with Liam's. "Hello Lexi!" Liam said, waving and giving a small smile. "Hello Liam." I said, doing the same thing. Zayn's face soon took Liam's place. "Vos' Happenin' Zayn!" I said, sounding just like him. "Hey! Thats my line!" Zayn whinned like a little kid. I laughed. "I mean... Hello Lexi!" He said. I threw my head back in laughter. 

I heard everyone laughing on the other end. After we all stopped laughing, I heard Harry say "You sounded just like Niall!" Everyone agreed. I smiled. Niall took the phone from Zayn. "Say 'Good Night' Boys!" Niall said. "Good Night Love!" I heard everyone say. "Good Night Lexi!" Harry shouted. "Good night boys! Good Night Harry!" I shouted. "Good Night Lexi." Niall said. "Good Night Niall!" I said. I blew him a kiss and hung up. 

~~Niall's POV (Short)~~

"Good Night Lexi." I said. "Good Night Niall." Lexi said. Before she hung up she blew me a kiss. I smiled. "Whats the smile for, mate?" Harry asked me. "Lexi blew me a kiss before she hung up." I said. "AWWWW!!!!! Niall's got a girlfriend!" Louis said. "Shut up Louis! I said, throwing a pillow at him. "Good Night Lads!" I said. I turned off the lamp beside the bed and went to sleep, dreaming of Lexington.

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