Fairyboys, Blondes, and Unicorns

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"Out! get out of my kingdom." roared King Oberon.
"My dear, it was only a prank." Titania reassured trying to soothe her husband.
"That's what you said the last hundred times. This has gone too far. Puck is 4000 years old and he needs to grow up and he can't do that here where he is constantly being coddled. I hereby banish Puck from Faerie"
That is how Puck ended up here in Ferryport Landing. Stuck in the magical bubble created by the Grimm Brothers that kept all Everafters who entered in and prevented them from leaving and creating havoc. But Puck felt content here in the woods with his thrown of toilets, army of Chimpanzees, and free food from Relda Grimm who he preferred to call the Old Lady. He woke to a sudden crash.
"Who goes there?" He yelled into the darkness.
"Who asks?" Retorted a voice that sounded like a young girl but Puck was still unsure since the darkness cloaked the body.
"I asked first." He shot back annoyed by the person for not answering his question. Who dared disobey him in his own kingdom.
"Well I asked better." The voice responded sounding just as annoyed.
"I am Puck, ruler of this forest and Prince of Faerie." He stated, "And you are?"
"Sabrina," The girl announced stepping out of the shadows "granddaughter of Relda Grimm and daughter of Veronica and Henry Grimm." Attached to her arm was a little girl.
"I'm Daphne, sister of Sabrina." The little girl laughed stepping forward.
"I am the King of the forest and I do not remember granting you permission to pass through." Puck proclaimed.
"I don't remember asking." The girl Sabrina retorted "Now if you'll excuse me we have to get back to our Grandmother's house."
"Stop," he shouted before extending his wings and landing in front of the girls, "you are trespassers. And you know what we do the trespassers here? We drown them." With that he took out his flute and played a light tune, once he did Sabrina and Daphne were surrounded by tiny fairies. Sabrina tried to swat them away only to be bitten. Soon their hands were bound and they were being pushed towards an old swimming pool and onto a plank.
"Who wants to go first?" Puck asked with a sly grin while floating next to the plank.
"How about you?" Sabrina retorted before jumping and wrapping her legs around the flying boy. As they both went sailing down towards the water Puck tried to fly but Sabrina had managed to put her feet in between his wings preventing him. They hit the water with a splash and Sabrina quickly released her legs and began to kick trying to keep her head above the surface. As soon as her head burst through the top of the water she opened her eyes to reveal her grandmother with a towel in hand helping Puck to dry off.
"What are you doing? He tried to drown us and you're helping him?" Sabrina sputtered.
"Liebling this is Puck." Her grandmother explained.
"I know he told us before he tried to DROWN us." Sabrina shouted.
"He wouldn't of hurt you he was just playing a joke. A very mean joke," she said giving him a pointed look, "now he is going to be living with us."
"What!" Sabrina and Puck shouted in unison before glaring at each other.
"Yes Liebling, Puck you remember our deal. You play a prank that I think is going too far then you have to come live with me so that I can keep an eye on you."
"I wasn't going to actually drown them. I was just trying to scare them. She's the maniac who jumped in and took me with her." Puck explained.
"I don't care. Take your things you're moving in today." Relda declared with finality.
"Fine." He knew there would be no changing of the old lady's mind. He marched back to his toilet throne and gathered up his grungy sweatshirts, jeans, and other belongings. He made sure to put Kraven the Destroyer on top so that he did not get crushed.
"Liebling go help Puck with his things." Relda suggested to Sabrina.
"Okay Granny." Sabrina said with resign walking over to help Puck, "Puck I'll take this one." she grumbled before randomly grabbing a bag.
"No not that one." Puck shouted knowing Kraven was in there as he tried to yank the bag away from her.
"Stop, I'm trying to help you." Sabrina grunted pulling back. After several seconds of this tug-of-war the bag ripped and everything including Kraven fell out.
"Kraven." Puck yelled as Sabrina picked him up.
"Is this Kraven?" Sabrina asked as she broke into a fit of giggles.
"Yes, this is Kraven the Destroyer." Puck replied taking Kraven into his arms.
"Kraven the Destroyer?" Sabrina asked still laughing.
"Yes." Puck answered curtly.
"It's a unicorn." Sabrina exclaimed before once again bursting out laughing.
"An evil unicorn." Puck asserted before putting him in another bag.
"Whatever." Sabrina replied before picking up another bag and walking back towards the house. Puck picked up the rest of the bags and followed Sabrina to the house smirking at the trail of water she left behind. Once he got settled in and made a few adjustments to his room Puck decided he needed a nap. Closing his eyes he fell into a deep sleep a couple hours later he woke to Sabrina's screaming.
"Wake up fairy boy." She yelled.
"What's going on?" Puck asked drowsily while blushing at the fact that she was in his room.
"We've been robbed and Granny is missing!" Sabrina responded.
"Is the food still here?" Puck asked.
"Yeah, why?" Sabrina inquired.
"Because if the foods here why would I care where the Old Lady went?" Puck replied snarkily.
"What if I told you Kraven is one of the things missing." Sabrina questioned.
"Kraven," Puck shouted jumping up from his bed, "we must look for him immediately."
"Okay, there was a red handprint on the door so we know the Scarlet Hand probably has something to do with this. Plus by the door there was a strand of red hair. Which everafters have red hair?" Sabrina inquired.
"The Queen of Hearts. Let's go find her and get back Kraven." Puck declared.
"And Granny." Sabrina reminded him.
"And the Old Lady." Puck agreed. They took Daphne to Snow White's house and asked for her to watch the littlest Grimm while they were away. Soon they began their trek to the mayor's mansion where the Queen of Hearts currently resided. After stalking the perimeter they found an open window where Puck was able to fly up and get them both inside. Once inside they exited the room and started creeping towards the voices down the hall.
"I say we kill Relda. The sooner another Grimm dies the sooner we get out of this wretched town." One voice proclaimed.
"No you imbecile in order for the barrier to go down all the Grimms need to be dead we need to bait those little girls into coming here so we can eliminate the Grimms." Another responded.
"Yes my Queen." The first voice answered.
" Good now Nottingham, you need to go take Relda to the police station. Then send the brats a note saying that we're holding their precious grandmother at the elementary school." The Queen of Hearts ordered.
"As you wish my Queen." Nottingham responded before exiting the room.
"Puck we need to get to the jail and set up so that we can surprise him and get back Granny." Sabrina whispered. Puck didn't bother to correct her about Kraven but he smiled to himself about the genius of her plan almost something he would come up with except his would use more goop. They started to sneak back towards the window and once there Puck lifted up Sabrina again flew to the police station. While Sabrina hid all the sharp objects that Nottingham could use against them, Puck set up an elaborate system that would trip Nottingham then tie him up. Of course it had the special Puck touch that would spray a mixture of rotten eggs, mayonnaise, and ketchup on top of him.
"Come on lady move quicker." They suddenly heard Nottingham growl. Sabrina and Puck quickly moved behind the wall where they wouldn't be seen. As they waited Puck couldn't seem to stop staring at Sabrina who was oblivious. He saw that her blonde hair had a slight wave to it and her hand kept springing up to push it behind her ear. The way that her blue sweater that matched her eyes clung to her shoulders and accented the black jeans that clung tight to her body. Nottingham's scream snapped him out of his fantasy.
"Woooooaaaaaahhhhh." Nottingham yelled as he fell into Puck's trap getting tangled up and sprayed with that disgusting mixture. Sabrina took a step back to admire Puck's work before running to her Grandmother and untying her.
"You stupid boy. You stupid, stupid boy," Nottingham yelled. Those three words were enough to trigger that unhappy memory in Puck.
"You stupid boy. You'll never amount to anything. I won't allow you to run this kingdom I'd sooner hand it to a commoner. You're a disgrace to this family. You will never be King. You will never be a true member of this family." Oberen shouted while giving Puck both a verbal and physical lashing. "You don't deserve to call yourself my son."
"Puck, Puck, Puck are you okay?" Sabrina asked while lightly shaking Puck.
"Liebling are you okay?" Relda asked.
"What does Liebling mean?" Puck asked suddenly.
"It means sweetheart in German," Relda answered, "used to express love towards family."
"Why do you call me Liebling then?" Puck inquired.
"Because you are family not by blood but by love which is the most special kind of family." Relda explained as they started walking back to their house. They had tied up Nottingham and hidden him in a cell in the abandoned station making sure no one would find him for a long time. Once they reached the house they all separated to their own rooms. About two hours later Puck heard a knock on his door before Sabrina poked her head in.
"Can I come in?" Sabrina asked.
"Sure come on in to La Casa de Puck." He joked inviting her in.
"So I just wanted to thank you for helping me find Granny." Sabrina answered bashfully.
"No problem." Puck claimed.
"I'm sorry we didn't find Kraven." She apologized.
"Well there is something you could do to make it up to me." Puck suggested.
"What? You helped me save Granny. Your wish is my command." Sabrina offered. Swiftly leaning forward Puck placed his lips against Sabrina's before she pulled back and punched him in the gut.
"What are you doing? You can't just do that to a girl. You have to ask." Sabrina blurted.
"Can I kiss you?" Puck inquired.
"Your wish is my command." Sabrina whispered before leaning in to meet Puck's lips with her own.

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