chapter 2

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Johns pov

As I walk into the flat, I see two beds. I shyly step in and I see a tall boy, curly black hair and a smirk on his face. I found it very hot. He was sitting on top of a desk and had an unbuttoned purple silk shirt. "H-hi, I'm John. John Watson. What's you're name?" He stared at me for a second or two before answering. "Sherlock Holmes. This is you're bed." He pointed to the small twin sized bed on the opposite side of the room. On the end of it was some textbooks for science, algebra and maths. "I took the liberty of getting youre books for you so you can settle in" he sat down on his bed and started staring at me again with those beautiful eyes. There was a slight sparkle in those eyes.

Sherlock's pov

That boy John. Damn was he a turn on, with those looks and his charm. I couldn't stop staring for two reasons. One, because he was incredibly hot. Two, because I was deducing him. What I have so far, he got here on a football and maths scholarship and he came from a broken home. Definitely gay. That was even better.

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