chapter 7

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Sherlock's pov

We are one week away from spring break, and me and John have somewhere to go. We are going to downtown London and staying in a place on Baker Street. My mother has paid for us too go because I told her about me and John after he told his sister Harry about us. She was ecstatic to find out "her little sociopath" has a boyfriend as mothers always are. Which got on my nerves very quickly, then I proceeded to hang up the video call.

Johns pov

I am so excited about spring break. Me and Sherlock alone in our own flat for two weeks. I can't stop thinking about the fun and oh, the sex we will have. Its going to be great.
"Babe, aren't you excited!? Me and you, two whole weeks alone! Oh I can't contain myself I'm so happy." I ran and plopped down beside him on his bed. Sherlock looked up and smiled at me. His eyes were so beautiful, I get lost in them. Before I know it I'm leaning it too kiss him. His soft pink lips turn me on. I break free from the passionate kiss, stand up, and unbutton my shirt in front of him with a playful smirk. He looked at me and grinned. "I like where this is going." He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed me on the neck down. Then he lie down on the bed. "Do what you want baby, I'm yours now." I walk over to him and kiss him roughly. "You shouldn't have said that, love." I unbuckled his belt and ripped off his jeans. His erection was huge and I sucked on it like candy. "John- dear god.. I'm ready." He rolls over and I stick my erection in slowly and start thrusting. "Urg.. Oh god John yes.." twenty minutes go bye and I am tired as hell. I roll over next to him and whisper "I love you." Before falling asleep

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