chapter 5

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(Sorry for the sad chapter I left off on guys! This one will be much better I promise!)

Sherlock's pov

Me and John have been together now for exactly two months.

Tonight's our anniversary and I want to make it special. I love him very much and I don't let him go a day without hearing it. His dad can fuck a cactus in the ass for all we care, and I have amazing news to give John after class today. His father's in prison for life! His visitation privelages have been revoked, and he has no chance for bail. John never has to worry about him again.

Johns pov

Tonight is me and Sherlock's two month anniversary and I have the perfect night planned for him. A dinner at his favorite restaurant, flowers and a movie at the dorm. It will go perfectly. After Ms. Jones' class we go back to our dorms for the rest of the day. I have an outfit laid out for him and everything.

After class
(Still johns pov)

"Sherlock, Sherlock where are you?" I yell when I walk in the dorm. I don't bother to look on his bed for the outfit. I sit on my bed and wait for him, watching the door. I hear the bathroom door open and I turn around go look and there he is. Standing there with the tux I got him on, and he looks sexy as hell. I let him know too. But not by words, by kissing him and holding him close. He breaks free and looks into my eyes, and I look into his. "John, I have some very good news to tell you!" He sounds excited so I listen intently. "Youre father is in prison for life, and will never be able to contact you or youre family again!" Tears run down my face, but its of joy and relief. I hug him tightly and take him to our dinner. Everything is perfect.

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