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Hours have passed and Jake finally stops at a restaurant. It felt like I hadn't eaten in forever. It was five in the afternoon by this point, which meant we drove our way through lunch, so I was insanely hungry. We got set at our table and I was fully ready to order the entire menu, but that wasn't going to happen. Our food eventually came and we scarfed it down.

Little to no time passed and there we were back in the car and on our way to the middle of nowhere. I was sitting there, still without an answer on where we were going or what we could possibly be running from. Jake, once again, was scaring me. He drove clean through the night without stopping to sleep. I, however, slept like a baby cuddled up to his side. By this time, his speed slowed and the music hushed. I guessed it was because we were finally getting to where we were going. I hoped so at least.

Eight o'clock AM rolled around and Jake was still driving. About a half an hour rolls by and I get up the courage to ask Jake if we can stop somewhere for breakfast. To my relief, he greeted that thought with a smile and then said, "Of course babe, the second I see a place to eat we'll stop. Okay?" I replied with a smile and cuddled up to his side once again.

What felt like forever passed and we finally found a place to stop for food. It just so happened to be my favorite breakfast place, Denny's. We eventually got our food and proceeded to eat it. Me, after drinking way too much orange juice, excused myself to the bathroom. What I would find in the bathroom was a bit unbearable. I open the door to a horrible smell, like something had been rotting. I check every stall and stumble upon a dead body, it had been splayed open, and the weirdest part, the heart was gone. I decided I didn't have to pee anymore and rushed back to Jake.

Jake noticed my panic, "Seph, what's wrong?" he asked with a worried face. "Well, I kind of stumbled upon a body in the bathroom. But that's not all. The heart was missing." Jake looked horrified. We told the manager what we found, paid, and left. We get back into the car and my brain fills with questions.

"Ugh, Jake?" I say a bit concerned. He shifted in his seat a little and replied, "Um, yeah?" "Why are we running?" The car was silent for a while as Jake pondered on what exactly he was going to tell me, and then he started to speck. "Seph, you know that book you found in your house?" I sat there for a moment, trying to think about why this was relevant. "Yeah?" "Well, you need to know that everything in that book is real and very dangerous. I need you to promise me, that no matter what happens, if I'm in danger, just get out of there and drive as fast and as far as you can. No matter what, you have to leave me."

The car fell silent once again and I shifted in my seat. "Is that your way of breaking up with me?" I said with a slightly shaky voice. "Oh god no. Seph, I love you. Nothing is going to change that, ever. I just don't want you getting hurt because I'm in trouble." With tears streaming down my face, I got the courage to say something from my heart. "Jake, that's a promise I can't make. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you so much and I refuse to lose you. No matter what could possibly happen, you are stuck with me, you got that?" Jake looked at me with a heart warming smile and said in a joking tone, "Yes, my lady." He then pulled me close and kept his arm around me.

A while passed and I was still right next to Jake. To my surprise, we soon stopped at a motel for the day. We got out of the car and got our room. The second we get into our room, Jake grabbed a bag of salt and coated the bottom of the door and all the windows with it. I watched him with a perplexed expression. As he coated the last window, he turns to me and explained what he had been doing. "Sense you know demons and monsters are real, you should know that in order to keep a demon out of your home or away from you in general, you need to use salt. Whether it's a circle around you, or along the doors and window frames."

I sat there thinking it was a little hard to believe that salt alone could keep demons out. I shrugged it off then a question came across my mind. "Hey, Jake? If demons are real, does that mean angels are real too?" Jake looked at me with an expression that said he was shocked I had even asked such a question. "There hasn't been any proof that angels are real, but I'd assume that if demons are real, I guess angels could be too."

I was left sitting there in silence, thinking about how scary my life was now. If demons and angels are real, was everything actually real too? I wouldn't ask Jake though. Too many questions could be a bad thing. Plus, do I even want to know? I'd give me more reasons to be scared to go to sleep.

I went over to the bed to lie down and Jake went to get in the shower. Then I heard the thing I hate the most, thunder. I hadn't even noticed the weather on the drive here. I got up and went over to the window. "Guess there's no way I'm getting any sleep tonight." "Whys that babe?" Jake asked as he came out of the bathroom, shirtless, drying his hair with a towel. I'd totally forgotten that Jake doesn't know about my fear of storms. "Uhh." Was the only thing that managed to escape my mouth. "Is something wrong?" I stood there kind of slouched over. I guess I'd better tell him. "Its just that, when I was young, I was always really scared of storms. As I got older I resorted to sitting in a ball at the bottom of my closet. I guess I've really never gotten over that fear."

Jake looked at me with loving, sympathetic eyes. "As long as you have me, nothing is going to happen to you. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something did." I felt a little better after hearing Jake say that to me, and I relaxed a bit. He came over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss. "How about we lay down and try to get some sleep?" I smiled and climbed into the bed after him. "Jake, angels have to be real. You have to be my angel." I said as I cuddled up next to him, he held me tight as thunder sounded again. A few minutes later and I was asleep in his arms.

The night went by fast. I didn't even wake up once. Except, when I did wake up, Jake was gone. I sat up and looked about the room. I spotted a note pad and a pen on the table by the window, so I went to check it out. The note read; "I ran out to get us some breakfast. Be back soon. Love you." I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god he's okay.

About thirty minutesgo by and Jake finally comes back. To my surprise, he had pancake mix and aplug in skillet. He's really the closet thing I've had to family since myparents passed away. I truly think he's the one. I mean, he has to be, right?


Heres yet another update! (I had the first three chapters pre-typed) I'll update again soon hopefully. I don't have anything better to do anyway! :) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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