Love and Loss

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As you know, my life hasn't really been the best. I've had a lot of screwed up stuff happen to me. But now, my life is getting better. You see, I have this boyfriend and he's absolutely amazing. He's sweet and kind. He wants to take his time with me, and actually get to know the person I am. I honestly can't see this relationship going down hill. I think I love him. Like really love him. We've been together for a few months, and let me tell you, they've been the best few months I've ever had.

So, my boyfriend, well, his name is Jake, Jake Bradley Pierce. He's got long black hair. Well, long for a guy, and he runs his hands through it, making it go to the side. He also has snakebites and the cutest smile. His skin is really pale, mine is just as pale. We almost never see the sun. But honestly, I really don't mind. He kind of reminds me of a vampire, and I absolutely love vampires, despite the fact he actually isn't one.

I don't know what's so different about this guy. But ever sense he came along, it's like everything in my life started to fall into place, slowly becoming more and more perfect. Just like Jake. I cant even begin to explain how perfect he is, or how uncontrollably happy he makes me.

There is something even better about him too. He sees my scars but doesn't care. He knows what I've been through but loves me anyway. He's like my own personal angel. He's there when I need him and is really good at comforting me whenever I'm upset. I truly think that my life is finally turning for the better. I mean it has to be, right? I can't be put through that hell and then given an angel, just to get him taken away. I wont let anything ruin this.

Today, I found out something really interesting about Jake. It turns out that he's asexual. He was a bit nervous to tell me because he didn't think I would take it well. But in all actuality, I'm a bit relieved. All most guys want, is sex, really. But I'm not the type of girl that'll have sex the first chance they get. I want to wait until I'm at least engaged this time. I don't think I could have gotten a better guy than Jake.

Something really weird happened today while Jake was over. I can't really explain exactly what it was. All I do know is, there was nothing normal about it. The lights began to flicker, and then my glass of water flew from the table. Everything grew calm after that. Witnessing this happen made me stick next to Jake, and he stayed the night just to keep me safe. I don't know why, but whenever I'm with Jake, I have this unreasonable sense of protection. Its like, no matter what happens, I know he can protect me.

Okay, now I'm starting to freak. Today, I was cleaning up my house when I came across a really strange book. The title of it was, "The Book of the Damned." I skimmed through it and it seems like the entire book consists of things that aren't supposed to be real. By not real, I mean, Werewolves, Vampires, Succubi, Sirens, Valkyries, and so much more. I have no clue what to think about this book.

Jake came over shortly after I found the book and he skimmed through it, but he didn't have the same reaction as I did. His reaction was more stunned, whereas my reaction was terrified. "Babe, we need to leave. Go get your stuff packed. I'm taking you away from here." Jake said quite sternly. I didn't really know how to respond to what he had just said to me, but I ran to my room and packed without question. "Jake? Where are we going?" I said in a hushed tone as I returned to his side. To no reply, Jake took my hand and off we went.

We got into the car and sped off.Jake blared music as we drove. He was starting to scare me, considering thefact that he's never acted anything like this before. I really don't know if Iwas just imagining things, but I could have sworn I saw his eyes turn a goldenyellow. He still had that creepy book with him too. I decided to grab the bookfrom him and begin re-reading the pages, wondering if the things in this bookcould actually be real. I had really high hopes that they weren't, but to mysurprise, it turns out they are. 


Heres chapter one! And by the way, the girl on the cover of my book is what id imagine Persephone to look like. I hope you guys enjoyed!

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