Chapter 8

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Charlie was forced to sit between the king and Tyler, trapped and suffocating. He had never feared for his life before and now, Charlie wished he wasn't alive. He shifted uncomfortably on his seat and waited, quietly and nervously.

Tyler didn't look any better as the prince kept on glancing around, looking everywhere except his father. From Charlie's point of view, Tyler almost looked as if he regretted accompanying the young boy.

"Charlie, tell me the truth: do you believe what is written on your father's journal?" The king asked. He watched the young boy glanced nervously at him, but the latter kept his mouth sealed shut tightly. The king patiently waited as he also ignored his son's intense gaze.

"I - I don't know." Charlie lied and intertwined his fingers anxiously. The king nodded and Tyler let out a small shaky sigh he had been holding forever.

"How far did your lecture went?" The king continued his nerve-wrecking questions.

"I have only read the first page." Charlie replied firmly. He then stared straight into those deep blue eyes, hoping the king trusts his words.

The king seemed taken aback by the sudden change of tone, but George quickly masked it under his emotionless face once again. He slowly nodded and glanced again to his son who was staring at the young boy the entire time.

"If I tell you that I didn't kill your father, will you believe my words?" The king suddenly asked. He kept his face hard and cold as Charlie widened his eyes, somewhat surprised even though Victor had already confessed earlier.

"Then who killed my father?" Charlie replied, his voice unusually calm.

"I have no idea. Before your father died, we were good friend. He made me promise to take care of you if anything happened to him. At first, I thought he had gone insane, but a few days after, he was murdered." The king explained, never breaking eye contact with Charlie who silently registered the informations deep inside his brain.

"I was baffled by the news, but I didn't forget the promise I had made to your father. It took me 3 years or so to finally find you, and truthfully, I am as confused as you by your father's unexpected accusation." The king concluded.

"If you were my father's friend, how come he had never told me anything? I know my father well, and he would had certainly talked about you. If not, mention at least your name." Charlie whispered before he frowned, getting even more confused and suspicious.

"This is the question, young boy. Your father and I were in good terms and if he were still here, we would had surely meet, one day." Victor replied with his calm deep voice.

"My mother died when I barely reached my first anniversary, I spent my entire life beside my father, yet I had never saw him meet you or tell me he had a meeting." Charlie replied, still quite suspicious. He watched as Tyler lowered his head down and the king glanced nervously at Tyler.

Charlie was now sure something was wrong, but he also knew the king would never admit or confess what had truly happened in the past.

"You see, young boy, your father and I were in good terms until - I - you are far too young to understand." The king concluded in a rush tone. He stood up and gestured to Leon a few times before the guard hurried to bring a paper out, hidden behind his back the whole time.

Charlie frowned deeply before he stood up as well. He wanted answers now, but after having spent quite a lot of time here, he knew his stubbornness would only madden Victor.

"May I at least know why you have brought Taylor Lyon here?" Charlie asked, his voice barely a whisper. The king stopped his movements and froze, staring with wide open eyes at the calm boy. He swallowed hardly and shakily grabbed the paper.

"Now, Charlie. If you sign this paper, it will means that you accept to live here as my second son. Of course, you will then have to change your family name to ours. If you don't agree, you are free to go out and live, by yourself." The king said with a firm and low voice. His blue orbs pierced directly through Charlie and the young boy gaped at the paper, stunned and at a loss of words.

"This is not what you have promised me, father!" Tyler exclaimed before the king glared at his son. Instantly, Tyler dropped his head down and mumbled out an apology. The prince then quickly sprinted out of the room, leaving Charlie utterly confused and bewildered.

The guard handed Charlie the parchment and the quill, ink already ready on the wooden table near the king's bed. Charlie closed his eyes for a brief moment, gathering all of the most important points right now:

1. Tyler is dangerous - you don't want him as your ally or enemy.

2. The king have brought Taylor Lyon's corpse in the castle, yesterday night.

3. The king had read his journal and refuses to continue the conversation further - even though he was the one to insist on having a talk with Charlie.

4. The king and his son knows a secret and hides it.

5. The king isn't the murderer.

6. An impostor might had written the journal.

7. The king and his father were good friends - yet, Charlie had never heard Victor's name get mention by his father.

8. Who is lying and who isn't?

Charlie grabbed the quill and looked at the empty space at the end of the parchment. He didn't have time to think right now, he had to act fast before it is too late. His heart clenched painfully inside his thoracic cage as he wrote down his name.

"I am sorry, father, but I have to know who is the murderer, who is the one at fault behind all this. Please, forgive me."


Hello dear readers!

I hope you had enjoyed the story so far and doesn't find it confusing. If so, please tell me. I'll try to clarify it. Again, I am sorry if there is any mistakes in the story, I'm trying my best to do the less possible. Feel free to correct them, if you want.

As always, thank you for all the comments and vote! I highly appreciate it!

Please, do comment and vote!

See you in the next chapter ~ Ciao!

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