Chapter 1

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"My king, we have finally caught the thief."

"The one who has been making quite big news around the town lately?"

"Yes, my lord." The guard confirmed as he motioned the rest to bring the thief here.

The door opened, revealing a group of young men dragging a thin boy by the armpits. They tossed and stumbled as the thief struggled violently under their painful grip. The king grimaced as he watched the chief kicked the young boy on the calves, forcing the thief to kneel down in front of the great king.

"He is the thief, my lord. The one who has been stealing the goods from people." The guard said with his hands neatly folded. He glanced at the rest of the group and without a word, they all bowed and walked out with their eyes lowered to the ground.

"What's your name, boy?" The king asked with his majestic voice before he leaned closer. He couldn't see the kid's face with all the dirt and strangely, it bugged the king a little bit.

"Answer, you little prick." The guard hissed through gritted teeth as he angrily slapped the thief's head. The young boy groaned out in pain but still stubbornly ignored the command. He simply looked up and glared at the one who just hit him.

"If I get out of here alive, I'll kill your family." He hissed back coldly and quickly lowered his head back when he saw the anger flashed through the black cold eyes.

"Enough, Leon. Let the boy speak." The king waved his hand at the speechless guard before he stood up and walked down the few stairs. His heavy footsteps were the only sound that echoed throughout the room. The king simply smiled as he saw the boy trembled softly.

"I will not harm you. I just want to know your name." The king calmly said and crouched down. He gently lifted the boy's face and smiled widely.

"You have pretty eyes." He complimented.

Nothing came out of the boy's mouth, but thankfully, the king was patient. He let out a small sigh before he stood up and looked at the servants.

"Give him a warm bath and food afterward. When everything is done, bring him to my chamber. And don't forget to get the queen as well." He ordered and immediately, the servants began their work. They gently grabbed the boy by the arm and lead him out of the room.

"My lord, I do not think this is a good idea. We should execute him like all the other criminals out there." The guard whispered before he lowered his head when he saw the king's cold expression.

"He is a boy. We can always teach him a... lesson." The king replied coldly before he turned on his heels and went back to the throne. He ignored the murmurs exchanged between the guard and his group as he simply sipped on his lemon tea.

"My lord, we have executed many boys before... If the villagers hear about this, I fear they will not be happy about it." The guard insisted again as he cautiously took a step closer to the majestic king.

"I can't kill him, Leon."

"May I know why, my lord?" The guard asked with a calm voice, hoping the king hasn't notice the frustration under it.

"Because he is Victor's son and I have promised him, before he died, that I'll take care of his son."

The guard gasped loudly as he frowned deeply. After all these years serving the great king, this was the most shocking news he had ever heard - and believe me when I say that the king is full of surprises.

"But - but... How can you be certain that this young boy is Victor's son?" He asked again, completely curious but utterly suspicious too.

"Leon, I am sure he is Victor's son. Have you seen those eyes? Those eyes were from Esmeralda's. I am certain of it." The king said, his eyes sparkling with excitement and joy. After spending 3 years - probably a bit longer, the king has finally caught the boy.

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