chapter 2

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You had been thinking about Grayson the whole week. Remembering how hot he was you giggled every time you thought about him. Maybe if I order another pizza he'll deliver it you thought. You picked up the phone and ordered exactly what you ordered last time. Anxiously waiting for Grayson to deliver your pizza. You decided you didn't want to see him in your raggy pijamas this time. So you put on your best skin tight dress, a pair of heels and did your makeup. You sat on the couch looking towards the window. Any moment now you thought. Then finally the pizza car arrived. You stopped looking out the window so you wouldn't seem creepy and turned on the TV. DING DONGGG! You excitedly opened the door only to find ... A 40 year old man delivering your pizza . You payed him and closed the door. Sadly eating your pizza on the couch. "Well I'm not wasting this outfit" you thought as you headed to your phone "I'm gonna throw a party!" You called a few friends and told them to spread the word. A few hours later you were partying like never before. Definetly the best party you've ever thrown. You went to the bathroom to freshen up and you heard the door bell ring a few more times . Wow they sure did spread the word you thought . You opened the door and WAIT IS THAT , NO IT CANT BE OMG!!! Grayson was sitting on your couch eating some weenies!! You would not believe it!

The Pizza Guy: A Grayson Dolan ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now