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"Amber, are you okay now?" Liam asked me as I got into the hallway.

"Looks like my neighbor was involved. We need to find him, before he dies. Or is killed, or kills someone. I don't even know. We just have to find him. His name is Sean Walcott. You know him?" I asked Liam, with wide eyes.

"No, but don't you think you should put some clothes on before you go out to who knows where?" he asked, trying hard not to laugh.

I looked down and saw I was wearing one of those dress/gowns that they give you at hospitals for when your getting X-rays and stuff. I was still wearing my underwear though, which was good for me, because I didn't even realize I was wearing the gown. I blushed a little bit, just because Liam was the one who told me. It wasn't anything he hadn't seen before though, so it didt really matter. And I was really skinny and fit, so I was proud of my body. I usally just wore my underwear at home when there was no one there anyway. I just ended up smiling and... laughing?

"Yeah, probably should." I told him, as Scott and Mason caught up to us. We all stood at the door of my hospital room. I was going to go inside, but I was stopped when I smelled something. Werewolf something. Something human and werewolf. It was Lydia. Lydia Martin, the banshee. The only other girl in the world that knew what it was like to see a dead person, not know what happened after a blackout, then be terrified right after.

I heard someone say, "Amber." then I saw the morning. I woke up, scared and was almost screaming while the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs, without even thinking. I opened the door, and Liam was standing there. It was a little cold, and I looked down. But instead, when I looked back up, Liam was gone, I was in the middle of the woods by the giant stump, and I was looking at a pile of bodies. My body was burned and all my clothes were gone. I was completely naked in the middle of a forest. My eyes were glowing a bright golden colour. I saw all the bodies, covered in blood and a silver colour, like they were bleeding some kind of liquid metal.

"Amber?" Scott asked, skaing me awake. "Amber, did you hear anything Liam just said? Is there something wrong?" he asked.

I jumped when I saw clearly. Scott was in front of me, and the first thing I did was look at myself. I was still wearing the gown and underwear. I sighed in relief. Scott looked just as confused as Mason, and Liam just looked worried. I straightened out my gown, and blushed really hard. I felt like mt face was on fire. It might have been, so I grabbed my cheeks. I was noe radiating heat.

"What were you saying Scott?" I asked him.

"OKay, you blacked out for a minute, didn't you?" he asked me.

"You could say that. It was more like a nightmare while I was awake, but not a nightmare, just... nope, my worst nightmare coming to life." I told him, rubbing my face.

"What, in your underwear in front of your crush?" Mason asked. "That's probably the worst thing that could happen." he told me, and I looked down at the floor.

"Wait, is that what you saw?" Liam asked, making me blush harder. If I got anymore flustered, i'd actually be on fire, then my nightmare would be the exact same I just saw.

"OKay, so maybe at first it was. But not my crush, well, I cant say not my crush. What's in between crush and not crush? I like them, but not in love with them, and haven't told them but kind of had and been on a date without even knowing, but not a date because friends were there? What the hell would you even call someone like that? Anyway, then I was on fire, and my underwear bunred off, then I was in the forest with all these dead bodies, freezing cold, yet still on fire. Then I heard screaming, then Scott shook me awake. So, bad memories turned into worst nightmare? I guess so. I'm really confused." I said, and Liam just looked like he wanted to slap me.

"That's a crush." Liam said, and ended up laughing his head off. "And that was a very nice decription. Looks like your life is becoming less normal, in another direction. What, were you wearing striped undies?" he asked, and I just about slapped him.

"Are you kidding me? Who wears striped undies?" I asked him. "And don't get me angry Dunabr, I can still call Coach on you. Seriously, i will not give you a third warning?" i told him.

"When was the first time? I know your forgetful, but i didn't know i was."

I growled at him. "I was in a rush. I was prepared to rip your head off. It was litteally my second day of school, and i thought you were my mom, okay? Shut up now, or i will rip your head off now. You do not get a third chance, you hear me? Now, i am going to go put my dress back on, and no more rude comments Liam."

"Don't forget to close the door." he whispered.

"You wish." I told him, and he smiled. "I see you smiling. You better watch it, or i will..."

"You will what?" He asked me, and i frowned.

"Scott, Liam, get Mason out of here." i told them.

"What? What's wrong?" They all asked at the same time.

"Fingers." i said so quietly only Scott and Liam could hear me. The two of them looked at my fingers, which were now literally on fire. It was spreding to the rest of my body.

"I am really angry, and i font have my medication yet. These two are the only ones who know how to handle it. I just don't want to hurt you Mason. Im sorry, but you need to go now." I said, my voice getting angier. "Now!" I roared, and Scott took Mason to go get his mom. I think i actualy scared Scott, because he jumped when i yelled.

Liam was still there with me. He was just there, standing there as both my hands and for arms were on fire. As well as my hair, which seamed to be fire retardant. Which was a good thing, or i would have no hair. I screamed. A sound so loud, i think i defened Liam, and possibly every werewolf in Beacon Hills. My dress was burned off, but my underwear was still fine. I don't know why, but it wasn't catching on fire. My whole body was on fire, and i was still screaming, when Lydia came running in. Liam was just there staring at me in awe.

I'm sure Lydia was too, considering her shocked face. "You. You're on fire, with the brown hair and the flowing hair. Have you been in a forest lately?" she asked me.

"In a vison, like 20 seconds ago. Now, can someone please help me not be in total flames before my underwear actually burns off."

"What is Liam still doing here? Your mostly naked, shouldn't he be getting a fire extinguisher or something? Your in your underwear, and he's just staring at you." Lydia said.

I screamed again, then fell to the floor, soddenly freezing again. "Not... the first time... today." i said, shivering on the floor. She was soddenly shocked, and Liam was the one who helped me up. She just started at us, as Liam tried to warm me up by rubbing my shulders and arms.

"Okay, even i didn't have sex until i was 16. What the hell were you..."

"Woah, Lydia. Jumping to conclustions there. I just forgot to put on clothes when i answered the door today. I was in my underwear, but left back into my room right after. Wow. And 16 Lydia. I'm going to be 16 in 4 months. And, did you really think... me and him, together, after knowing each other for half a day? Oh my god."

"Stripped undies. See, you wear them. So, your lame?" he asked.

"Okay, nobody tell Scott or Finstock about this moment, or what happened this morning. Got it?" i asked them.

"Agreed, but what part of you was that?" Lydia asked.

"Hellhound. And yes, Jordan Parrish is a Hellhound too, so he will do that. And yes Lydia, he is like you, always finding dead people. He doesn't predict death though. Everyone happy? Can i put clothes on now?" i asked them.

Lydia nodded her head and Liam looked into my eyes. "Well..."

"Shut up Dunbar." i told him, then put the dress on over top.

✔️Not Normal --- Teen Wolf * Series - Book 1 - CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now