Chapter 4

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17 years post-blackout

"Char you pway wif me" 7 year old Jackson "Jacks" Matheson asked his older sister Charlie as he, Bass, Miles, Nora, And Charlie are breakfast.

"Jacks I have to go get Conner from the docks but you can come" Charlie replied picking her little brother up and setting him in her lap.

"Are you gonna marwy Conner Charlie?" Conner asked his sister causing Nora and Bass to laugh, Charlie to blush and Miles to clench his fists.

"You know what Jacks, maybe I will, but for now he's just my boyfriend" Charlie said removing her self from the table and putting Jackson on the floor.

"Charlie they should be arriving in about 3 hours" Bass said smiling at Charlie, his son had some plans for this weekend, and Conner really loved Charlie.

"I'll go get ready then," Charlie said as she rushed up the stairs Jacks hot on her heels.

"So Bass what do you plan to do with Connor this weekend" Nora asked Bass.

"Well we wanted to know if you guys would like to go to the house in Boston with Me, Connor, Emma, Emily, Bryan, and Peyton." Bass asked Emma, his wife and his daughter, Emily had planned a trip for when Conner was back from a mission.

"We would love to go but what about Charlie and Jacks what will we do with them" Miles said concerned about his two children.

"They are welcome as well we would love to have Charlie and Jacks come" Emma said smiling at Miles and Nora.

"I will let them know for sure" Miles said as he removed himself from the table, he never liked the fact of Charlie and Conner dating but, Bass was his best friend he loved him, he was family.

"Uncle Bass, Emma are you coming the wagons are here to get us" Charlie asked she had a smile bigger than her small frame.

"I'm not going dear but I believe Bass and well as you father are going with you" Emma told Charlie.

"Daddy, Uncle Bass lets gooooo" Charlie yelled dragging out the o.

"Woah Kiddo why so dressed up" Bass asked Charlie as he walked down the stairs.

"Uncle Bass I am just trying to look decent for my boyfriend calm yourself please" Charlie said laughing at her uncle.

"Charlie let's go baby girl" Miles said jogging down the stairs and out the door.

"So Charlie what are you doing this weekend, going to New York to visit the Colliers" Bass asked Charlie as they awaited for the steam boat to arrive.

"Actually no I haven't thought much about what I will be doing although Amanda asked me to come see her up in New York I figured I would spend time with Conner since he's been gone awhile" Charlie said smiling as she saw a steam boat arriving at the dock.

"Look uncle Bass there he is" Charlie said acting as she was a little kid pointing towards Conner as he unloaded off the ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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