Chapter 14

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This is like a filler chapter. sorry xx. but at the same time All Time Low is in it so I'm not sorry.

-Bianca xx

Chapter 14:

* Louis’ POV *

We worked out a few details of the wedding at a time, trying to get stressed out by anything.

“But do we want to stay in South Africa for our honeymoon or do we want to go somewhere else?” I asked Harry while we discussed the plans.

“Well I think we should spend two days there with our guests after the wedding, and they can all stay until the end of the week and we can fly somewhere else!”

“Where do you have in mind?”

“I wish we could go to Antarctica, but that’s too cold…” Harry mumbled.

“Why not a cruise near Antarctica?!”


We worked out a few more details of the wedding before deciding to go over to Zayn’s for the party he was having.

When we walked into the Zayn’s flat, the party was already crowded and busy. We saw Zayn dancing with Lexi, and Niall drinking with Jenny. Harry put his hands on my waist and walked behind me over to where Jenny and Niall were on the couch.

“Hi guys!” Jenny said, obviously slightly drunk already.

“Stop drinkin’ my pints, Jenny!” Niall shouted over the music.

“Woah, Niall shared his pints with you? He must really like you!” Harry said, as Niall’s face turned red.

We left Jenny giggling and Niall blushing, and walked over to Zayn and Lexi.

“Hey I’m glad you guys made it here safely!” Zayn slurred.

“We are your neighbors, Zayn… of course we could make it here safely…” I said.

“Excuse him, he’s already drank a bit too much.” Lexi said giggling.

Lexi seems really nice as well; I’m glad that Zayn found a girl like her to hold him down.

As Harry and I looked around the party, we saw our good friends Alex and Jack walk over too us.

“What’s up pop stars?” Alex joked, slapping my ass in the process. If anyone else had done that, Harry would have been furious, but Alex and Jack are always joking so he was okay with it.

“Want a cup o’ tea?” Jack imitated a British accent.

“How have you guys been? It’s been a while since we’ve seen you… we’ve both been touring and everything for a while and always seem to just miss each other!” Harry asked.

Alex and Jack are from All Time Low. We’re friends with Zack and Rian as well, but Harry and I seem to have a better connection with Alex and Jack.

“In all seriousness though, congratulations on coming out with your relationship and all. I know that was hard for you guys since your management sucks and all. If our management was like that… man! I don’t know what I’d do!” Alex said.

Jack and Alex have been together for almost 5 years, but unlike us they weren’t ready to come out yet. Their fans came up with Jalex, just like ours came up with Larry, but they hadn’t officially came out yet. They told us though, because they saw that we were the same way.

“So have you guys decided when you’re coming out then?” I asked.

“We’re not sure yet… We’ve both really been enjoying messing with the fans heads a bit. Our fans are really different from yours though… most of them already ship Jalex and aren’t going to leave like the asshole fans you guys had before did… its just the media we’re worried about. They already say we’re a bad influence on kids, I don’t really feel like having a bunch of priests and nuns coming and bothering us too!” Alex laughed.

Well it’s totally up to you guys, don’t do anything too brash though!” Harry said.

“Says the one who came out over twitcam!” Jack joked.

We all laughed a lot, and we even told Jack and Alex that we want them to be at our wedding.

Later that night, we said good-bye to everyone at the party and went home.

“Let’s watch a movie Hazza!” I stated after we had both gotten ready for bed.

“Alright, what do you want to watch?” he asked me.

“Um… how about peter pan?” I suggested.


Harry put the movie in, before coming to sit down with me too watch. I snuggled myself into his chest, and felt my body relax.

Halfway through the movie, I could feel myself falling asleep. My eyes  kept shutting themselves, and my breath deepened.

“I love you, Boo.” Harry said, kissing my head.

I was too tired to say anything so I just snuggled myself closer into him, before falling into a deep sleep.

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