Chapter 7

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Deanna asked me to show Mariah around town. I groaned, but agreed. Mariah was pretty, but she wasn't strong.

She had curly brown hair and dark grey eyes. She was thin and young. She was quick, but walked with a limp.

"You just use a knife?" I asked.

"I don't like guns, and I only use my knife when I have to. I don't like killing, for any reason." She sighed.

I stopped walking and pursed my lips. She looked at me weird and stopped.

"You think you can survive without killing? You can't. My dad has never killed a human being, and it's almost cost him his life several times. In this world it's kill or be killed! You don't get to decide that! Your stupid ass is going to get someone or a bunch of someones killed, and for what! So you can be innocent and keep blood off your hands?! That isn't how this works!" I shouted.

I threw my hands in the air. My dad appeared behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Why don't you go help Carol with dinner. I'll finish the tour." He snarled.

I rolled my eyes but headed off into the dark toward the house.

Little Rhee (A Walking Dead fanfiction) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now