Chapter 27

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After I got my ankle checked out by Denise,  I sat by his bed the rest of the night. Michonne wandered in around the time I was with Carl. We all stayed in the infirmary over night, but the next morning we gathered any weapons possible and we headed out into the streets of the now broken Alexandria. We searched damaged houses after damaged house looking for people and supplies.

I entered through the door of the house I used to call home. I went to the kitchen first. I ran my hand over the glossy finish on the chairs we sat in to have meals. I went to the living room next and rubbed the soft blanket I curled up under when I caught my dad kissing Mariah. I headed to the bathroom next. My hand automatically shot out to the medicine cabinet and flung it open reaching for the box tucked in the back corner of the top shelf. I pulled the box out and opened it, letting the charm from the bracelet hit my hand. I ran my fingers over the smooth piece of jewelry. I tilted the box back and heard a ping. I lifted the middle piece of the box to reveal the G charm I had stored away many months ago. I felt a drop of water fall on my hand. I looked up thinking maybe there was a leak. I felt another drop onto my face and as I went to wipe it away I realized that the droplets of eater weren't from the ceiling, but from my eyes. The charm was as beautiful as I remembered, it would glow in the warm afternoon sun and reflect light from the moon at night. As I held the charm in my hand with the blue crystals shining in the little light the bulb in the bathroom provided, I remembered where it came from and why I hid it.


I walked into my room with my towel wrapped on my head. The sun let a warm glow into my room through the pale brown curtains. A small red box sat neatly on my perfectly made bed. A card laying next to it read: To my sweet Rhylee. May this gift prevent loneliness in every day. I'm sorry I'm not there, but this gift was sent with all the love and care in my heart. I love you baby girl.

*Flashback Over*

I remember I didn't open it because I was so mad at him. But after my mom got with that jerk that abused her, I opened it. Because suddenly the loneliness overruled the anger and the frustration. Because I needed love. Because I needed someone to remember that I existed. This new guy my mom was with didn't help with any of those things. My room was small, it used to be a walk-in closet till mom's boyfriend moved in. It fit a bed and my dresser. I had a trash can and shelves the lined the walls. The boyfriend cut a hole in the wall and stapled plastic over to make a window and hung up some old brown curtains he found in our attic. I had a drawer full of books I hid before the boyfriend took them to the pawn shop, and I had the box. I tucked it into my light brown pillowcase (I had blue but the boyfriend used it to make a fire) and only pulled it (and the note) out when I felt alone. My bed sheets were also brown (also found in the attic of our house) and I had a small comforter from the attic as well. It was a faded blue and was start to rot away. I know that sounds impossible but it's true.

But when I found dad standing on the porch kissing Mariah, I didn't want the charm anymore and so I stuffed it in a box and put it away.

As I moved on from the bathroom to my room, I admired the colorful paintings that lined the hall. When I entered the room, I was a little startled to see that, unlike the rest of the house, the room that Carl and I shared was untouched. Everything was as it had been left. I sat down on my bed and picked up the copy of Romeo and Juliet laying on my bed. I took a big deep breath and stood back up. I opened the closet and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes. I trashed the clothing I had been wearing and slipped on a pair of skinny jeans, a black tank top, a pair of riding boots, and a blue sweater. I grabbed my running backpack up off the floor of the closet and filled it with clothes and weapons I had discretely picked up on runs. I headed back to the infirmary and dumped the bag over on the table. I began putting on my survival bag.

"Who's going on a run with me?" I asked, zipping up the bag.

"Uh shouldn't you run that by your dad?" Tara asked.

"He won't mind."

"I hate to ask for things, but... we're running low on medical supplies. Can you pick some up for me?" Denise asked.

"Anything I find." I twisted my hair into a tight ponytail.

"Rhylee! You going out?" Rick called from the other side of the infirmary.

"Yeah." I called back picking up a gun and sticking it in it's worn holster.

"We need food. Pick as much as possible. I'm going to run over to the pantry." Rick walked over to me and picked up a gun. "Where'd you get these?"

"I picked them up on runs."

"Shouldn't they have been turned over?"

"They didn't know I picked them up."

"Don't pull anymore stunts like that. You hear?" My dad put his hand on my shoulder.


"Hey Rhy? Why didn't you say you were going out?" He asked.

I shrugged and tossed some keys at Tara. She nodded at me and ran to get Aiden's old truck. I was about to call for Noah but then I remembered.

"Are you going to come?" I asked looking up at my dad.

"Nah. I'm gonna stay. I can help start rebuilding walls." He told me.

I nodded and followed Tara out the door. When I turned around to climb in the bed of the truck was when I finally noticed Eugene had followed me. "What are you doin?" I asked climbing in.

"I am going to help on your mission." He said and pulled out the machete strapped to his waist.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I responded, slowly moving over to the far side of the truck.

"I can and I will take care of myself. I will not let either of you get hurt." He told me, putting his machete back.

"Fine, but don't get in my way." I answered.

Eugene climbed into the bed and we pulled out of Alexandria, into the rising sun.

Little Rhee (A Walking Dead fanfiction) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now