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Jack Rackham was born in the winter of 1678, In a small tent on the beach of Nassau, the home of the Pirates.
His mother whom we know little to almost nothing about was only a poor woman who did her best to support herself,
sadly she died during labour.
With no father that anybody knew of jack was adopted by the man who owned the local pub (the blue sparrow) this man is known as Peter Cherrif,
he gave Jack his name, naming him after his third cousin Gareth.
Peter raised jack in the pub he owned until he was eleven giving him a job to clean tables and floors,
jack made it through the days doing his chores and playing with his friend Gordon.
Every two days jack would be given lessons on history and spelling, this was more than almost any kid got around this part of town.
Living as an orphan Jack was bullied by the other children and called names such as "pissweasel", they would even give him a hard time about his father being the owner of a pub saying that it was a shitty job for a man to have even when their own parents were homeless or didn't have a job and stole for money.
Jack was a skinny lad and wasn't very strong, he was easily pushed around by some of the bigger kids,
but he was tall that the smaller bully's kept their distance and called him names from afar,
he didn't know how to defend himself nor did he want to, he wanted to stay out of trouble and make his father proud.
On a hot Saturday morning Jack was awoken by the sound of his fathers voice "Jack wake up and get ready", I need you to run some stuff down to the market for me, can you handle that or do I need to give you another hour to wake up? Get a move on!" He had a strong Irish accent and a very deep voice.
Jack rolled out of bed and onto the floor smacking his forehead into the wood "morning father" he sighed as the floorboards creaked behind him followed by the uncomfortable mumbling of his carer,
"I want you to run this satchel to Bernard down at his stall, if he's not there look for him at his home" his father said in a quiet tone "go straight to him, no distractions and don't open the satchel and don't give it to anyone go straight to Bernard alright? Can you handle that?"
"Yes father" he replied in a sleepy tone, too tired to care what it was all for and why it was all so urgent.
Peter placed the satchel on his chair,
he rose from the floor and went to get changed as his father was walking out the door when he turned and said "please hurry, there's not much time to waste".
Jack was concerned by his fathers stressed tone and was about to ask him what was going on when he left the room.
He stood up and walked to the chair he had hung his shirt on the night before and put it on,
he picked up the satchel examining it in his hands,
it was made of leather and was fairly heavy, he suspected that there was a fair bit of coin in it but he couldn't hear the familiar jingling of the pieces tapping together,
jack proceeded to put on his shoes and walked out his door.
Jack walked down the stairs into the pub looking at all the men who had come for a morning drink, all the usuals.
He walked to the bar to say goodbye to his father who was wiping the bar in the same place never taking his eyes off it,
jack thought he'd be better off just leaving him incase he accidentally pissed him off.
Out of the pub doors he went and into the street, flourishing with life he searched for the source of a smell that made his stomach grumble, he could smell someone was cooking pig (years of working in a pub that made meals gave him the ability to tell the difference between meats),
he turned left down the street and started towards the beach where Bernard's shop is, he was especially excited because Bernard is the father of his best friend Gordon,
he was hoping he'd get to see him.
Gordon and jack grew up together Gordon was smaller than him and got picked on worse than he did,
Jack found it as his responsibility to protect Gordon (because he was hopeless on his own), but this just made things worse for Jack.
He got to the shop, a small house on the outskirts of the town, where the beach started and all the Pirates would gather to celebrate their fortune by getting drunk and fighting,
Jack knocked on the door and waited for a bit, after a while the door creaked open a tiny bit
"yes?" Said a loud and familiar voice, "um...Bernard?
Father asked me to deliver this satchel to you and also is Gordon ar....." He was interrupted by the door swinging open and Bernard a big man almost the size of Peter with almost literally no neck due to his fat taking the satchel from him and hurried inside.
"Alright then" Jack muttered to himself and started walking back to the tavern when he saw the most beautiful thing alive,
Anne Bonny,
he had always had a crush on her but never had the courage to Say so himself.
She had a strong Irish accent like a Tom boy but it didn't bother him but it bothered other guys , sometimes they would tease her about wanting to be a man saying that she belonged in a kitchen or in a whore house. Jack was always disgusted by their foul words and believed that she deserved none of this disrespect but was too afraid to stick up for her for two reasons, he was embarrassed and didn't want her to think him weird for wanting to help her.
She beat the living shite out of them anyway.
She was practising tying knots,
he overheard her talking about becoming a pirate sometimes but everyone puts her down.
"This is the day" he thought to himself, "I'm going to go up to her and introduce myself"
He walked up to her, "H..h....hi!
I'm.....my names.... Jack..aha" he said nervous putting his hand out to shake hers,
She looked him up and down, pulled her long red hair out of her face "are you here to direct me to the nearest whore house like all the others?" , She said returning to her knots,
"no! Of course not!
I would never say such foul things.....I was just introducing myself"
he looked at her, hopefully she would at least try to be friendly.
"Well then" putting down her rope and standing up to try match his height but he was still taller,
"Anne Bonny, it's a pleasure" putting out her hand to shake his,
he accepted the invitation to shake and his hand almost crumpled up like paper in her strong grip,
"the pleasure is all mine" he replied trying to sound like one of those fancy blokes with all the fancy clothing but actually looked like an idiot and felt like he was dribbling cheese,
"Would you teach me to tie a knot?" He asked noticing her eyes were a beautiful dark blue such as his and thought them the most beautiful in the world.
"it's really simple,
all you have to do is....." She started but being interrupted by loud yelling down from up the street,
Jack looked and noticed that there was smoke coming from the pub......

The Adventures Of Captain Jack Calico RackhamWhere stories live. Discover now