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The trio followed Thatch as he stormed through the hallways and out the front of the building, everyone seemed to be standing outside to inspect what the noises were.
Pistols were drawn along with cutlasses and some men even had mugs of beer still in their hands.

Thatch stood in front of all these men "what the hell do you want Ben?" He asked in a rough infuriated tone, "you do know that you and your men haven't yet signed your pardons, they were due five months ago" he stated in a tone that sounded as if he was pleased with himself, "you know right well that me and my men 'ave no interest in your bullshit pardon", Anne looked furious Jack asked "what's all this talk about a pardon Anne?" "It's practically a slip of paper you sign to rid your records of crime and become a supposed 'free man', Ben Rodgers here used to be a pirate until he abandoned us and went for the life of a privateer again" she explained. "What do you mean, again?" Jack questioned "well most pirates used to be privateers fighting through these waters against the Spanish until the enemy started running out, used to this life most ships captains and crew turned to piracy" she looked at Jack strangely as if it were weird he hadn't known this already.
Jack was so caught up in talking to Anne that he hadn't noticed the conversation going on with Thatch and Ben "listen Thatch" Ben said "if you're not going to accept the pardon then I'll have no choice but to go and get an army of the Queen's men and kill you all" he threatened and walked towards the docks where Jack could only guess is where his ship was stationed

Thatch walked back to all of his crew, right in the middle next to the kids and grumbled to Anne "that mans a prick" then started rallying his men, "alright lads! I think it's time we showed our friend Ben-Go-Fuck-Yourself-Rodgers a real bloody shitstorm!" He thrust his axe into the air and all the men yelled and cheered in agreement.

Everyone started running around in random directions but most of the crew ran towards another section of the docks to Ben's ship, so the kids followed and completely forgot that they were meant to go home.

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