Human growth and development

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For Pete sakes heterosexual much the (60year old) lady who teaches this crap is so full of bull and does not except reality one every person your "teaching" knows this crap teach new stuff for gods
And this is her favorite line "now if u go on a date with a guy this guy that" never when u go on a date it's alway when u go on a date with a guyguyguyguyguyguy
Big deal I know it's more common that people are straight but I'm getting aggravated  because there is a population who not only are gay but a population of people who think I won't go to hell because I'm gay and
I don't want to learn how to put a condom on a guy I don't need one and when I'm older and have sex my partner will sure not as hell need one
Plz comment ur opinion and questions***

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