Chapter XI

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"Well, this is nice." Harry tells his date, grabbing the menu off of the table.

This was finally Harry's moment to a second chance of love. So far his date with Luke is going well, and the blond himself seems to be enjoying it as well.

"It better be. I spent a fortune on trying to get us a reservation on a Friday night." Luke laughs, drinking his wine.

Harry frowns,"You really didn't have to take me here, Luke. I would have been fine with just a simple picnic in the park or something?"

"No, no. It's all good. I'm glad I did this. I really wanted to make a good impression on you."

It has only been less than twenty minutes on hid first date with Luke, and he is already setting a good impression on, Harry. The way he is so extremely cool with everything, and how he is so generous and polite to him, was unbelievable to the wavy-haired lad. A year ago Harry would have never imagined that he would be dating one of his best friends. Now that, he definitely didn't expect earlier this year. Niall has tried his all to find a date for Harry after the break-up with, Louis, but neither of them had expected his new lover to be right in front of their eyes the whole time.

"Thanks." Luke says to the waitress as she returns with their food. Luke has ordered some expensive seafood plate, while Harry ordered a simple chicken with a side vegetables and garlic sauce.

"So..." He grins,"How has everything been lately? I know that you and Niall have been home for months now, but you've been quite distance from everyone during that time. Why?"

Harry swallowed his food and shrugged,"You actually wouldn't understand if I told you about how much I've been through, and to be honest, Niall and Liam are pretty much the only ones who could."

Harry didn't want to talk about what happened to him. He thinks that this is his opportunity to forget about the whole situation, and start out fresh with, Luke.

"Oh..." He plays with his food.

"I'm sorry Luke, but I rather not talk about it right now." He tells him.

He reaches across the table and places his hand on top of his date. Harry can feel the warmth of his body soothing the air between them.

"I'm here for you, Harry, and if you ever need someone to talk to then I'm right here by your side." He smiles.

"I know you are, but I will probably tell you what happened eventually, but maybe in a year or two." Harry exclaimed.

Luke rubs the back of his hand,"A year, huh? I can already imagine us in a year." He said.

"Really?" The boy laughs,"Tell me what does our future behold?" Harry asked.

"Hmm...well I see nothing but happiness for us, and that's all we need to be together."


Niall's POV

"You hungry, Zayn?" I ask, pulling out a few leftovers from yesterday out of the fridge.

Zayn stares blankly at the TV, without looking back,"Sure..."

I don't know what this guy problem is, but he has been pouting ever since Harry left. What a coincidence, huh?

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