Chapter XV

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Luke paced back and forth through his apartment. The voices in his head wouldn't shut up. They were constantly mumbling. He couldn't make it stop. The more he told them to go away the worst it got. But, the voices he was hearing, they weren't real. He was imagining them.

It has been a week since he has punched Zayn and guilt overflowed his body and his emotions were uncontrollable. Luke was suffering. He was mentally ill and nothing is going to make it better. It's like he was cursed and there was no spell to cure the monster inside him.

Savannah walks into the living room with Luke's pills,"Luke? Is everything alright? Why are you-"

He cuts her off, pointing to the bottle in her hand,"What the fuck is that?" Luke is pissed.

"I-It's you medication. You need to take it. You're not getting any better by skipping them." Savannah says.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't need them!"

Savannah is terrified,"I'm sorry, Luke, but it is the doctor's orders. I'm just going by what he's telling me to do."

"Well, I don't give a damn! I'm not taking those!"

"Luke, please?" Her voice is a whisper.

He stands in front of her,"No, I don't take orders from anyone, so stop-" Luke went mute. There was a knock on the door. The man hastily makes his way over and peaks through the hole in the door, seeing his boyfriend, Harry.

Luke panics and Savannah frowns,
"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Give me that." Luke snatches the medication bottle out of her hands.

He runs into the kitchen and eagerly grabs a cup from the cabinets. Luke pops the pills in his mouth, followed by a large gulp of water to wash it down.

"Savannah open the door for, Harry." He instructed her.

"Why can't you let him in? He's your boyfriend, you know." She refuses to listen to her ex request.

Luke snaps back,"Just do what I say!" He storms into the bedroom and closes the door.

Savannah rolls her eyes and walks to towards the front door to let Harry in.

"Harry," she puts on a fake smile,"It's nice to see you again." She lets the man in.

"You too, Savannah." Harry turns around, gazing around their flat,"Is Luke here? I know I seen his car outside, but-"

"Yeah, he's here. I think he's in the bathroom fixing his hair or something."

Harry nods,"Oh..." He mumbles.

To be honest, Harry feels awkward every time he's around, Savannah, but not just because she is Luke's ex, but just because she barley speaks to him. That only reason is because, Luke told her not to start a conversation with his boyfriend, so of course she followed his commands.

Savannah walks into the kitchen and Harry still remains by the front door with his hands behind his back. The room is amazingly quiet, until Luke walks in, bouncing their daughter in his arms.

"Harry? What are you doing here!?" Luke pretends to shocked.

Harry smiles,"I came to check up on you. I haven't seen you in a week and you've been ignoring my calls. I was worried about you."

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