Invited...Just My Right

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(Hephaestus POV)

The morning air, filled with sounds of birds and leaves drifting in the wind, awoke me from my soporific sleep. Contrasting with my heavenly morning, was the smell of tar and fire that burned in Aetna's biggest volcano. The one I lived right next to. To my convenience, the volcano was the least of my worries, it was the smell itself. Its taken me almost 50 years to build my citadel, forging new weaponry when I have nothing else to do. And believe me, there is nothing else to do. The same routine proceeds me every day. Wake up, wash off, shave, put on necessary attire, and head down to the mound where I work all day. Or rather, that was the plan, but a sudden noise stopped me.

I walked through the barely empty home, trying not to wake Thetis and the others and opened the door. I opened it slowly trying to reduce the creaking sound, but failed miserably. While praying that Thetis didn't awake, I looked at the young man standing at the door. His big orange eyes seemed out of place in the human world and that bright blonde hair of his was something I've never seen before.

"Um, I'm sorry to have woken you up."

"Do not bother with that. What is it that you want?" The beautiful blonde suddenly materialized a note in the thin air then handed it to me.

"You are Hephaestus are you not?" I nodded as I slowly took the letter from his hand. Engraved on it was my name in golden letters. I looked up at the boy who seemed to be glancing about at my body.

"Is there something the matter?"

"O-oh! Nothing! Forgive me, I just never imagined you would look..."

"Look like what?" I said as anger began to swell within me.

The blonde hair boy began to tremble as I glared at him, but I decided to ignore his uncivil looks.

"Who are you anyhow?" I said as I calmed down and opened the letter.

"I-I'm Hermes?" I choked as I looked up from the letter and at Hermes.

He is a god. This is my first time seeing one besides my mother, Hera. And I have just witnessed his powers of communication. Just as the humans explained, Hermes is the god of commerce.

"What is it you want with me?" Hermes shyly pointed at the letter which I had just opened.

I looked down at the fine piece of paper and read the words oh so new to me...

'Dearest gods and goddesses, The summit of the gods is among us. Peace thee with you as you read this and peace thee with you when you join me. When the sun rises on the third day of July, come forth and join the festivities of the god.'

Shocked at what the letter said, I looked up at Hermes who stared off into the distance.

"Is this true? Has Zeus himself actually invited me?"

"It is father's wish that all gods attend." Hermes awkwardly glanced away from me as he spoke.

Once again, I ignored his unpleasant looks and continued to question him. "Will...Hera be there?"

"Yes, mother attends every time."

I nodded and continued staring at the letter. Why would they invite me to this meeting of the gods now? I thought Hera wanted to hide my ugly existence, yet it seems Zeus invited me wholeheartedly. Why?

"Well, I'll be on my way?" Hermes bowed and flew off.

"Hephaestus! What's going on?" Thetis came from behind me rubbing her eyes. "Who's at the door?"

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