A Kind Revenge

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As I know I'm supposed to be looking at Hera and her cursed throne, I can't help but stare at the beautiful goddess Aphrodite. Her silver hair, similar to her father's, drifted slightly due to the open roofing of the meeting room. Aphrodite was the most beautiful goddess out of all the rest. She suddenly smiled when a god with black hair sat down in between her and Hermes. Who was he? Who was this god to make her show such a gorgeous smile?
"Ares, you finally decided to show up." Zeus glared at Ares with a look of disappointment. With all the rumors I've heard about Ares, I wouldn't be proud of my son either.
I expected Ares to plead for forgiveness, but instead he snickered and sneered at Zeus like he was a rival and not a father.
"Oh? You actually noticed I was here this time "father?"
Aphrodite hit Ares on the shoulder insisting that he behave himself.
It is rumored that Ares is disliked by most of the gods for his ruthless style and bluntness, but this is my first time seeing it. And as it stands, why do I feel as if I am on Ares' side rather than Zeus's.
Zeus ignored his son and glanced over, smiling to his hearts content.
"As those of you are aware, we have a new god taking a seat with us today."
I stood up to make myself known and bowed. "I am Hephaestus. Born from Hera alone."
"Yes, just as Athena was born from me." Zeus stood up as well. "Poseidon, Hera, H-Hades, and I were given these wonderfully golden seats." In awe, everyone looked at the thrones of gold then back at me.
"I heard earlier that you forged these yourself?" I looked over at the strong goddess Athena and nodded at her question.
"With my own two hands."
"...interesting." She said while smirking at me.
"Yes, is it not? Coming from the one who gave him his powers." I twitched a bit after hearing Hera's voice. An itch crawled down my throat as I looked at the happy goddess. For her happiness was false for her own sake of attention. I was disgusted with her presence.
"Mother?" Aphrodite suddenly spoke with a ringing tone. "May you explain to us why you hid this god from us for so long?"
The room grew extremely quiet while waiting for Hera's answer. She looked around drastically then at me a few times before finally responding.
"Oh...h-he was too powerful. I had to hide him away from anyone who would want to hone his power." She looked at me then realized what I had done.
Hera began to effortlessly stand up from her chair, but it would not budge.
"W-What is this!? What have you done?!"
"What is it Hera?" Zeus seemed quite annoyed as he looked at her squirm around.
"This throne...I can't move from it!"
"You can only move once you speak the truth." I said with confidence.
"What do you mean truth?! Just let me go now!!" The room grew restless as they looked at Hera struggle in her seat.
"Hephaestus, I cannot permit this action." Zeus stood up and began helping his wife. Poseidon moved to the edge of his seat, but he did not have to worry because it was only Hera's throne that was cursed.
"Mother, it's quite simple at figuring out what has to be done...You have lied so tell us the truth." Aphrodite, to my surprise, was on my side.
"That is the truth!" Hera screamed.
"Ha! Even I know you lie mother." Ares began to snicker at her predicament.
I began to feel angry at Hera. Why was she not speaking the truth?! Was it that hard to reveal your wrong doings?
"Fine, then you will stay that way." I walked off the high rise seat and headed towards the door.
"Stay that way until you regret pushing me down this mountain." The whole room gasped and looked towards Hera. She glared at me long and hard for revealing the truth.
"Farewell." Were my last words before I walked off.


(Hephaestus POV)

I sat upon the sofa trying not to think about my past actions. Hera was stuck on a seat of gold where she cannot escape, except for when she is told. I was never going to release the curse. It's what she deserved more than anything! Not until she repents... as if Hades himself were dragging her to the underworld, I will never release her.
"Heh," I smirked at the predicament, but deep inside I knew this was wrong.

Back on Mount Olympus

Happy voices went throughout the room for those who sat there for hours. While Hestia, Demeter, and the uncaring Zeus, tried to explore the golden chair. It was pure gold and brought happiness to the gods who sat upon it, but has no mercy against those who lie. Hera was furious and hexed the smithing god. No one knew if she felt remorse for her wrongs or just wanted to go back to her everyday life; dining with the finest wine and bedding with Zeus.

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