Chapter Thirty-eight / Graduation

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[AN: Here we are, at the end of the first book. I hope you've enjoyed to story, even though it's not over, lol. The rest of it does get a little... Mature, though, so I did have to cut it up. Makes sense to anyway, since they're different years and different stuff is going on. And I did give this book an ending so it's a little closed. Anyway, here's the last chapter, I hope you enjoy it, and I hope to see you in the next book! Details will be at the end.]

"Tell her, tell her, tell her!" Kitty demanded at him as they stood in line in the ballroom to get fitted for graduation gowns.

Kurt had his image inducer on, so Kitty could see the tinge of pink on his cheeks as he looked to the ground. "Aber... I'm vorried, vhat if she doesn't love mich auch?" {me too}

"Get real," Kitty told him. "She was so upset when she thought you were dead that she cut off her own wing to, whatever she did to that guy."

"Vhat?" Kurt looked up at her in surprise.

"Yeah, I saw her, she was covered in blood," she said as she made a face of distaste.

Kurt took this information in. Kerri had cut off a piece of herself, maybe permanently losing her wing and the ability to fly, to show Quill what he had done to her? Did that mean that he was like a part of her? That losing him was like losing the joy of flying?

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Graduation was on the last day of school, in three days.

Two days before she lost Kurt.

Well, not officially, but until he had to find a job or something, and then he'd move out. Maybe out of the city. Then she'd never see him.

Kerri sat outside after classes, trying to read but unable to concentrate.

Kurt sat beside her on the ground. "Vhat are you up to, liebling?"

Her heart fell. Only a few more days of being called liebling. "Nothing, just holding a book," she told him.

He laughed. "Do you vant to go do somezhing fun?"

She looked at him cautiously. "What kind of fun?"

"Vell, ve could go into zhe trees, und, get on my highvire..." He suggested.

"Your high wire?" She shuddered with nerves already. "No way."

"Come on, liebling, bitte?" Kurt asked, knowing he was going to get a guarantied yes.

Kerri closed her eyes and sighed, "Ok... Curse whoever taught you that word."

Kurt laughed. "Mozhers alvays teach their children manners, zhough."

They got to the tree the high wire was in and Kurt suggested that Kerri change now, since she'd had problems before. "Well, maybe I could try it without doing that..." She mumbled, embarrassed to show him if her wing was still cut off.

"Vh- oh, ja, your ving..."

Her eyes shot up to his. "What about my wing?" She asked cautiously.

"I heard zhat you, ah, lost it," he told her delicately.

"Yeah." She thought,  'I lost it, alright, in my head...'

"Is it gone forever?" Kurt asked cautiously.

"Probably not, but maybe..." She answered, looking at the ground. After she'd taken off her shoes and pulled her shirt over her head and situated it to still cover her front, revealing a black bra band, she shifted. She went painfully slow, making sure to remember how every muscle had felt, keeping her eyes closed to concentrate.

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