Netflix and chill part 2 Chapter 6

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''Tyriq I said let me see your phone''!
I said angrily
"Why its not a big deal" he said
I snatched his phone out his hand and saw this girl named Clarissa *btw Clarissa is the girl in the chapter pic and she's played by the beautiful Darlene cisneros * anyway Clarissa sent him a photo saying can't wait for the next time and I was just so sick to my stomach so I just got up and left
" good bye tyriq" I said
"Wait"! He said
But before he could finish talking I slammed his door and ran out crying and went home. "Laniyah what's wrong" my mom said questioning. "we I just got hurt by my boyfriend" I said then went to my room and went to sleep. When I woke up the next day I got so many miss calls and text from tyriq. Of course he wanted to apologized but I don't do that cheating bull💩. But what was really annoying is that I had school today and had to listen to whatever crap he had to say. Anyway I walked to school with a cute red crop top with white pants and walked in the school with my friends and I saw tyriq with that b•••• and he looked at me with a concerned look but he quickly looked away and kept walking with Clarissa to class. Then In third period which me and tyriq have together he finally had the guts to walk up to me and clear the situation.
"Hey La'Niaya" he said "look tyriq I don't wan-" then he interrupted me
"Look I'm sorry about yesterday but that was my business to handle"
"Wtf do you mean it's your business i have my own right to go through your phone every girlfriend has that right but who in the world is Clarissa?? Is she your main or am I your side you need to choose and stop with the bull!!" I said. "Well you were never a side and Clarissa man she ain't nothing but another number to me she just a friend nothing more nothing less so calm down" he said. Then the bell rang and Clarissa came into the classroom and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "So another number huh"? I chuckled then I walked out crying a little. Then tyriq's friend tre asked what's wrong. After telling him what happened he hugged me and told me it would be alright then left to meet his girlfriend at her locker. After school I got a flyer saying that there would be a Halloween party after school in a few weeks. I was excited because I just bought this cute cat costume for Halloween. When I was in my bed laying down I got a text from tamiyah
Text convo
Tamiyah-hay boo😘
Tamiyah-what's wrong
La'niyah- nothing me and tyriq broke up I'm a little bummed
Tamiyah- well I wanted to see what you were doing but anyway I'm going to a party wanna come?
La'niyah-nah I'm good I just wanna relax and feel my soft bed😂
Tamiyah-okay bye

End of chapter

Sorry it took sooo long to update but hopefully your wait was worth it
Chapter 7 will be about whatever I think of but chapter 8 will be the Halloween party 😘😜

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