Chapter 5

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I watch her as she wait for her luggage impatiently. She trapped her bottom lip between her teeth as she concentrate on avoiding my eyes. Eyebrows knitted together.

Her arms crossed over her chest, and even though how much she tries it, she can't help but to sneak a glance at one direction - on me. I don't know why, but I geel like she's purposely driving herself away from me. Don't I look even a tad friendly to her? Do I look monstrous or something?

Alright, maybe I make her feel uncomfortable most of the time, but it's because she's always dodgy and overdramatic about small things. If only she lower down a notch her imaginative mind.

When her bag finally came, she rushed out. For all honestly, I'm starting to think that she likes me. Just then I noticed her mobile dropped from her small hand bag. What a careless lass.She was all too ready to hail a cab when I finally catch up.


She stopped on track and looked at me over her shoulder. I can't help but notice how amazingly pretty she is when she's blushing. Am I the reason behind it? Do I make her blush?

I almost forgot why I ran after her because her beauty was distracting me too much, "You dropped this," I said. Extending my hand to give her her mobile. "Don't worry, I did not put my number there, neither took yours," I kid. There's a chance if I make her smile just this one time, she'll get comfortable with me. But like what she always does: she took my words the other way around. Maybe I should stop trying too hard to be friend with her.

"Let me get this straight," she started, squaring her shoulders to look a little more cute - oops, I mean, serious. Yes, a little more serious. How could I stop trying to be friend with her if she's this adorable?

"I know I have been acting like a real gormless person whenever we come across with each other, and to be honest I am also surprised how stupid I seemed. But to tell you the truth..." she struggle to continue and for the words to say, "... I'm in deep shit," she said, cringing afterwards.

What is she saying? "Deep shit?" I asked, the amusement in my voice was palpable. I wonder why I make her react this much... or maybe she's just this weird. She look at me straight in the eye, which sort of contradicts her shy demeanour. But behind those chocolate brown orbs, I see something I'm not quite sure about. She looks lonely and weak. I'm taking note that that is another possible reason for her actions towards me. But who knows?

"I just gave you your phone. No 'thank you', then? Fine. I don't know what's with you, but I also don't care."

That came out a tad harsh than I intended, but I can't take it back now. Specially when she's already sending daggers through her eyes. It wasn't my intention to hurt her pride this much but she's the one who keeps throwing argument at me.

"And we haven't formally introduce each other," I added, before leaving her. Everything I say seems to tick her off, so it was better to leave. It would save me from her to hate me now and forever.

As my feet drag me farther away from the astounded lass, I can't help but to feel guilty for being a dick. I shouldn't have say those words. There's a zero percent chance of me to see her again, and I already blew my 'nice card'. When I turned around to apologise for what I had said, she was no where in sight.

"Fuck," I whispered to myself, trying to spot her brown curls.

. . . .

I wait for Louis to pick me up. I texted the prick fifteen times but still I don't hear anything in return! On the fourth ring he finally picked up.

"I'm on my way," he said too aggressively for my liking.

"I've been waiting for forever, arse!"

"Don't exaggerate things, pal. It doesn't suit you well," he snides.

"I'll kill you when I see you. That's a promise," I laugh, dragging a hit on my cigar.

"Looking forward to it," he said before he hang up.

That little wanker.

. . . .

"You don't have any plans for tonight?" Harry asked as he occupy the whole couch for himself. The telly was on but neither of care enough to watch.

"Nah," I answer, "Aren't you going home? Both of you?" I ask before I get to my room. The sight hit a nerve and I want to go all ape. I couldn't stand to see my works, so I chose to went out even though the two is shitting on me.

"You don't like having us around anymore?" Niall asked then laughed at my face as I flopped on the couch next to Harry.

"I thought I already live here alone, mate," I say sarcastically.

Harry, who lays next to me with nothing but his boxers, laugh maniacally at the two of us. "Mate, we stayed here when you were away. I think we earned a stay for a few more days, don't we?"

I shrugged, annoyed and tired. I know I already said the I don't have any plans for tonight, but there's a sudden change in the wind. "I'm out," I said then fetch my keys.

Both of them watch me as I went out. I heard Niall ask where I was going but I didn't answered. I wasn't pissed at them, just a little irritated with the way my flat look. Not that it was messy and in a state of shambles, but because of the sketches everywhere. Specially the one in the living room.

Her images were all over my tiny home, and it's a bloody reminder of what I used to feel. I already got over her - maybe - but it's the hate I am feeling towards her.

She fucking cheated on me. Twice. In time I'll forgive her. But obviously, not now.

When you were all too excited and very much ready to propose to the one you love, but you found out she was fucking other dick, that's when you realise time doesn't put justice to everything. The five years we cherished together... it was nothing.


Hi! Guys, if you have time please check out my other work. It's titled 'Idée Fixe' :) it's a Harry AU, here's the link

What can you say about Zayn? Tell me what you think! Thank you so much. xx

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