Star struck

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Ok as weird as this sounds, this story was inspired by the song ET by Katy perry ft Kanye West, so just enjoy, comment and vote. Warning: lots of swearing.

I walked towards the bright white light, maybe a torch. Mud down my face and clothes. Earlier i was going to a bond fire with some kids from school, but they just through mud at me, every one hates me, I should've known it was a trap. I don't have any friends, I am an outcast, I am bullied every day. I trudged through the dark woods, leaves and ferns crunching under my feet. I got closer to the light, maybe it's a Park ranger. "Hello?" I rasped, my throat dry. My long brown hair cascading down my shoulders, ending below my breasts. "Hello?" The light burned my eyes, five tall figures appeared out of a fancy jet, almost like a UFO. OMFG it was a freaking UFO! The tall figures looked human. I ran the opposite way, "ALIENS!!!" I was scared shitless. "Fuck now the humans know we're here!" A voice muttered behind me. "She don't know what we look like, besides know one will believe her." A female voice answered the other. I'm insane, i'm fucking insane. My heart was beating a million miles an hour. My green eyes looking into the dark foggy gloom of the woods. My legs running as fast as they would carry me. I came to the small over hang I crossed earlier to get to the UFO crash site. I jumped, my feet thudding on the ground. I continued till I saw the soft glow of the Bon fire. I fell to my knees when I finally saw the kids that threw mud at me. "Look the little bitch has come back for more." The tallest of them commented, observing my entrance. His name was Alec. "Aliens." I whispered under my breath. "What was that douche bag." Avery said, he was Alec's right hand man. "Aliens." I said clearer. Colette, Alec's girlfriend laughed. "Aliens?, is it just me or has lola the dog fucker lost her mind." She laughed again. "No, they're over their, I swear please, believe me." I said pointing the way I came. "Maybe she just needs a second helping of mud to slap some sense into her." Avery said making a mud ball. "Better." Alec said pulling out a pocket knife. My eyes widened with fear. "No, please, no." I shrieked. Avery dropped the mud ball and ripped me up off the ground, Colette helped by pulling up my shirt up showing my belly. Scars on my stomach writing a sad story of my years in high school etched on my skin. Now was a new chapter, Alec set the tip of the pocket knife to my skin. Tears rolled down my face. "Stop please." I screamed in agony. A warm trickle of blood rolled down my skin. "Poor baby Lola, go cry to your whore of a mother!" Colette chirped. I bit my lip, ever since my dad died my mother just slept around with guys that she brought home from the pub. I started balling as blood gushed from the wounds on my belly. "Done." Alec smiled with a devilish glint in his eyes. Avery and Colette threw me on the ground, Avery kicked me in the side probably leaving bruises. "Now crawl around and die in a hole." Colette said spitting in my mud matted hair. I dragged my self over to the small over hang, curling into a ball and crying, no let me rephrase that balling hard enough I swear I could cry blood. My eye lids drooped as I cried myself to sleep. That night in months, no years I had my first dream or was it? In my so called dream A guy my aged leaned over me, about my age he was, which is seventeen. I couldn't make out any facial detail. He was rubbing some sort of ointment on to my wounds. "Are you ok?" He asked. I made a little noise like a squeak. " we got to go Edmund."a voice said hastily. "I'll see you around." The guy said.

Then I woke up. The sun hot on my skin. The mud on my face and skin flaking. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. Twenty one missed calls and they were from mum. I couldn't go home the condition I was in. Wait, I lifted up my shirt and saw the scars of Alec's handy work, it read slut. It was scars? That means... The guy from last night must've been real because whatever he did to my wound made it heal super fast. I stood up dialling mum's number. "Hello?" Mum picked up. "Oh hey mum." I said. "Oh my God are you ok, you didn't come home." My mum said freaking." Yeah I had so much fun." I lied. My mum is actually is genuinely worried, she doesn't wanna lose me like she did Dad. "Ok, you should come home now. "Oh um i'm a bit, well dirty." I said staring at my shirt. "Huh? That's ok just come home and have a shower ok?" She said. "Ok." I didn't wanna say no because I actually wanna go home. I hung up and stoop up. To my surprise it didn't hurt. That 'magical' ointment must've fixed the damage Avery's kick caused. I started to walk jumping down a steep hill. In a matter of minutes I was just two streets over from my house. "Watch out!" Someone yelled from behind me. I jumped to the right as a guy my age rushed pass on a skate board. His gold eyes locked with my eyes for a moment that felt like hours. I watched him until he disappeared into the horizon. I kept walking to my house until I reached my fence. I opened the gate and walked inside, latching the gate the first thing to my mind was a hot shower. I grabbed my towel and clothes, ignoring mum's questioning gaze. I stripped and hopped in the shower making real hot. I massaged some conditioner in to my hair. I sighed, today's Sunday which means, yes school.

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