chapter 3

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ok i can't be bothered eiting tis so just deal with it pls ;P

the day seemed to drag along, i finally met Jess' and Emunds cousin, felicity an thier friends, christopher and luke. everyone swarmed around them. they had become popular all in one day and i was slowy getting painted out of the picture.

"hey Lola, wait for me." i turned around to see Jess' cheery face. boy i wish i had her looks.

"Edmund said he wants to drive you home." Jess squealed. "That won't be necessary." I stated, tucking my brown strands behind my ear. "What are you doing with her, pretty." Avery walked over and wrapped his arm around Jess. "Get off me you perverted man whore!" Jess said throwing him a good fifty centimetres. Edmund stalked over, leaning towards Avery "stay away from my sister and 'my friend'." "Got it." Avery said shaking.

"Are you ok?" He said with worry. "I threw him across the parking lot, I think I'm ok." Jess said exaggerating what actually happened. "So do you wanna ride with me?" Edmund asked me.

"No I'm right." I started to turn away.

"Please?" He pouted, his bottom lip poking out.

"I know your gonna say yes." He wiggled his eyebrows. I giggled, smiling. "Ok." I whispered. A part of me was screaming for him to whisk me away. He lead me through the car park. He sneered and glared at people who even looked at me weird. We found his car which was a shiny black, new looking Toyota yaris. He fumbled for the keys. When I hopped in we reversed out of the car park. "Did you see the aliens?" I asked. "Aliens!?" He choked. "The night you apparently saved me from bleeding to death." I said. He gripped the steering wheel. "Lola, your life is going to get complicated from here on out." He grumbled. "It already is." I scoffed. "Lola, please do not freak out when I tell you this." He said giving me a sincere glance. "Ok?" I half asked.

"I am the alien." He pushed the words out like food he did not fancy.

I laughed a little. "Your funny." I chuckled. "No seriously, Jess, felicity, Christopher, Luke and I are all aliens." He breathed. The hairs on the nape of my neck stood on end. "W-what?" I whimpered. "You told me you wouldn't react." Edmund whined. "I said I wouldn't freak out." I said shuffling away from him. "Look I'm a human from another planet if that makes sense." He said. "Explain please?" I said. "Ok you could say I'm a human sub species. I live on a planet called fatexia. The difference between you and I is I have a special ability. My species all have an ability to do with elements. I am to do with the night." His buckles whitened. "So you are 'human' but you are gifted and live on another planet." I said summarising every thing he just said. "Yes. Jess can control plants, felicity can control every thing physicy or something like that. Christopher controls day and Luke animals." He said. "How come we haven't found your planet and why are you here?" I asked. "So many questions. Ok one, we live in another solar system and have really, really fast ships. Secondly our world is in war, our planet half destroyed, so our parents told us to go before they made us join the army and die and thirdly we're here." He sighed. "You know where I live!" I said alarmed. "" He said rubbing the back off his neck.

"Um can you stay with me?" I said peering through my lashes. "Sure." He jumped out of his seat and locked his car. We walked inside and sat on my mum's crappy couch. "Are you my friend?" I asked. "Your not at all scared of me?" He asked surprised. "Just answer my fucking question!" I screamed. "I want to be more to you." Edmund said.

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