Chapter 2

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"Lola, Hun get up for school?" Mother chirped, standing in the doorway. I groaned but I got up and got changed into a shoulder less sweater and some knee length denim shorts. I brushed my hair and through it into a messy ponytail. I grabbed my breakfast and walked out of the door. "Um ok bye Lola." Mum said drinking a cup of orange juice. "Bye mum." I waved and started walking to school.

"Hey it's you again!" I turned around and saw a girl with flowy black hair, she had long lashes and piercing purple eyes. Purple? What ever they must be contacts. "Um excuse me?" I said annoyed. "Oh yeah we haven't properly met yet." She smiled, her straight white teeth showing. "Ok, explain please." I said. "Well my brother saw you yesterday. He nearly ran you over yesterday." She smiled. "Oh that guy. Tell him he should watch out himself." I grumbled. I only remembered him because he was the dicktard on the skate board and those gold eyes. "What school you going to?" She asked. "Oh, westley oak high." I answered. "Really my brother, my cousin and our two best friends are going as well as me." She exclaimed. "What's your name any way?" I muttered. "Oh how rude of me, I'm Jess." She smiled proudly. It wasn't until her shirt sleeve fell down I realise she had a tattoo on her arm. "Hehe um, yeah-" she said rubbing the back of her neck. "OMFG your parent let you have a freaking tattoo!" I shouted. It was a vine winding up her arm.

About two minutes later we got to school. I departed from Jess and left to find my locker. I wrote the code in. Maybe Jess could be my first friend, she didn't seem like the back stabbing type. The lock clicked. "WHAT SON OF A BITCH WOULD DO THIS!!!" I turned around and saw those beautiful Gold eyes. My eyes wandered to his facial details. His hair was the colour of the night sky when it looked purple. Almost invisible speckles in his hair, that looked like stars up close but were invisible from afar. "Ahem." I said, my eyes dancing around his gorgeous face. This must be Jess' brother. In his hands was a piece of paper whith a note on it. I snatched it from him. Kick the dumb bitch, it read. "Oh." I dropped the piece of paper. "Someone stuck it on your shirt." He exclaimed. "Nothing new." I sighed. "What!?" He yelled. "It's nothing new. It happens to me every day." He looked at me in disbelief. "Why?" He asked. "Because I'm messed up ok." I turned away getting my books out. "You must be Jess' brother, what's your name?" I asked still not looking at him. "Edmund." He whispered next to my ear sending shivers down my spine. "Edmund? Have we met before?" I said confused. "So you do remember." He said. "Who the fuck are you?" I said. "We've met several times before. As you know I am Edmund, I am also the Edmund from the skateboard incident, I am also the Edmund from your so called dream?" He said leaning into me. I could smell the sweet scent of his breath. "Remember I saved your life, you could've bled to death."

"Why are you so scary in a Pervy way?" I said leaning away from him. He threw his head back in laughing fits. He clutched his stomach as he doubled over in laughter. "You crack me up!" He said wiping away a tear of joy from his eyes. They were so mezmorizing, breath taking, mysterious, stunning. Nothing could explain how beautiful his eyes were."I feel sorry for the new guy, Lola's making him laugh at her jokes." Someone whispered. "He's so hot why is he hanging out with her?" Someone muttered. Edmund started to pick up on the feed back. As soon as he gave me enough room I bolted. Hot tears rolling down my face. I ran for the girls bathroom and locked myself in the cubicle. Tears streamed down my face like there was no tomorrow. "Oh is poor little baby Lola crying." I heard Colette walk into the bathroom. "Leave me alone." I sobbed. "But I wanna be here for you." Colette complained sarcastically. "Come out, come out where ever you are Lola." Colette said banging on all the stalls. "Go away." I groaned. "Your so sick Lola. You forced that new guy laugh at what ever you were talking about. How sick are you, he is so out of your league, Lola." She said. "Bitch,Bitch, BITCH!!!" I screamed. I opened the stall and ran for the door, I just made it but didn't get to far when some one grabbed my wrist. I looked up to see Edmund pulling me to his muscly chest. He held me like delicate china and bolted, taking his prize. He ran to a door and nearly ripped it off it's hinges. He jumped inside and locked the door behind him. Again as if I were delicate china he put me down. "Are you ok?" He stared at my tear streaked face. "Yes." I sniffled. "It doesn't look like it." He said placing his hands on his hips. "I'm fine." I said reaching for the lock. My sleeve fell back and he immediately zoned in on my cuts. "What are these?" He said stroking my scarred arm. "I cut myself." I mumbled. "Don't do it Lola, ever." He said sternly. "How do you know my name?" I asked. "I heard That nasty bitch in the bathroom say it." He answered. "Come on let's go to class." He sighed pulling me to my feet. I melted for him, he was so handsome.

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