Chapter 1 - Please Let Me Leave!

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"Why oh why did you force me to come along to this stupid fair?!" Yato yells in annoyance, earning a glare from the Iki.

"Calm down! There's food."

"Really!?" He perks up, a twinkle seen in his cerulean orbs. "Yay! Wait!" He holds a hand up. "You're paying, right?"

"No!" Hiyori raises a thin brow. "What on Earth makes you think that!?"

"Do you want me to stay or not?" The young blonde, finally sick and tired of the two's arguing, shoves his hands into his pockets and walks away, ignoring the continuous yells from Yato.

"Why does Yukine get to go!?" The Raven-haired boy holds his arms out in frustration.

"I'm just looking around. Chill." He slowly treads through the fair area, disappearing from their sights. Falling to his knees, Yato makes a sobbing noise.

"Please, I'm begging you, let me leave!" Hiyori yells out in frustration and raises her hands above her head.

"I give up!"

"Pleases please pleeeeaassssseeee!" Yato begged, pulling Hiyori's arm.

"Why do you want to leave so bad?! I mean Its not like you have a life to get back to!" The Iki yells in annoyance.

"Yes i do!" Yato gasped while giving Hiyori a glare.
"Oh yeah? Then what do you have to do?" Hiyori smirked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Will you two be quiet for one minute!? You two sound like an old married couple!" Yukine was annoyed.
Yato blushed while Hiyori gasped.

"We're not an old married couple!" Hiyori yells in Yukine's face.
"I said you two SOUND like an old married couple! Not that you are an old married couple! Stupid..." Yukine mumbles.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL M-" Hiyori's sentence was interrupted.


"Hello delivery Yato speaking, whats that? Need help you say, I'll be right there!" Yato yells in his phone, as he grabs Yukine and leaves.

"Hey, wait!" Hiyori trys to grab the young god.

"Good, now we can enjoy our selfs away from that fai-." Yato's sentence was interrupted, as Hiyori falls on Yato, while Yukine just stares.
"Ahhh! Oh my God, how much do you weigh!?" Yato cried, pushing Hiyori off of him.

"Well, don't leave me alone like that again! Well wheres the job?" Hiyori knew Yato lied about having a real job.

"Uh..." Yato sweat drops anime style.
Ah ha, I knew you were lying about having a real job." Hiyori crosses her arms.

"Please stop fighting!" Yukine begs annoyingly.

"But out!" Yato and Hiyori yell at Yukine.

"Uh... Hiyori," Yato looks at her.
"Hm? What?"
Yato points at Hiyori's tail.
"You're out of you're body again."

"What!? Not again! Well don't just stand there fix it you jerk!" Hiyori gives Yato a glare.
"Ok I'm sick of always hearing you say that crap Hiyori, Yato doesn't know how to fix your problem." Yukine smirks.

"What...YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX MY BODY?!" Hiyori cried.

"" Yato mumbles.


What is she going to do? Find out in the next chapter! Sorry if you didn't like it, its my first book, sorry for some commas missing or misspelled words or to much commas.
I hope you liked it. Please tell me if I should continue this book. Bye;D

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