Ch:9 Even you can't run fast enough.

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You tightened the buckle of your horses saddle, absentmindedly running your fingers through his thick mane. You were surrounded by hundreds of other soldiers also preparing for the expedition. Dawn had just broke, illuminating the entire complex in a warm orange glow. You closed your eyes for a brief second, appreciating the mornings silence, before being thrown head first into the mayhem that lies beyond the wall. When you opened your eyes, they fell to your squad leader, you haven't spoke to each other since the night you confronted him, you knew today was the day Levi was supposed to get him, despite the fact Erwin knew about his plan the whole idea made you uneasy, you knew first hand how deadly Levi's skills were, when he wanted something done it would take something incredible at the least to stop him. You were snapped out of your daze when his blue eyes meet yours. They looked colder then usual, a particular sense of detachment that you only saw when he went outside the wall. He gave you a stern nod and you responded with a half smile before turning away, leading your hoarse to your position in the fleet.

As you sat upon your horse, you gripped the reins tighter in a failed attempt to distract yourself from the bundle of nerves forming in your stomach. You never liked going outside the walls, never. It always meant death, each time more familiar faces would become titan food and it was only a matter of time before you joined the list.
"You ready (l/n)?" Mike said riding up beside you.
"I guess" You reply, that anxiety still burning up inside of you.
"Wow, now I have such confidence in you"
"Shut up" You laugh swinging your leg to kick his shin.
"Well let's hope you are" he said as you two, along with the hundreds of other soldiers started to speed up their horses and make their way down the streets towards the outer wall. 
You tried your best to ignore the crowds of people gathering beside your path. You could hear their mumbled conversation and words of disapproval as you rode past them. Your hoarse came to the slow stop, only to be sent racing seconds later by the yells of your commander. "THE 20th EXPEDITION OUTSIDE THE WALLS BEGIN!"
Cheers and battle cries erupted from every angle as all the horses sped up into a gallop, leaving the safe haven of the walls behind.

You had been riding for no less than 40 minutes before the first Titans appeared.  You rode a couple of meters behind Flagon and Erwin as a roar from behind made you pick up your pace "A 15 METER CLASS COMING IN FROM THE LEFT" your head snapped towards the Titan, it's gruesome features made your entire body go numb.
"(L/n) shoot your flare" Erwin commanded as you shot up the signal before jumping off your horse, digging your hooks deep into the Titans torso before swinging around to slash its neck- barley missing the Titans hand as it swept the air in a futile attempt to save itself.
You landed back on the ground, taking deep breaths and pushing loose strands of hair behind your ears. You barley caught a glimpse of the two other Titans heading your way before Isabel, Farlen and Levi took them down, leaving you and the rest of your squad to gawk and their skills in awe.

"Now I see why Erwin was so determined to get them in the Regiment" Your heard Flagon say from behind you. Erwin was the only one who seemed unfazed by the threes take down, you followed him as he made his way up to the three.
"Indeed that was impressive considering it was your first time, but you used to much gas" Erwin scrutinized, eyes piercing into Levi's. You could feel the build up of tension between the two, and you instinctively took a step back.
"You expect me to prioritize equipment over the life of my friends?" Levi spat back. You saw Erwin's face harden, an obnoxious undertone to his words that just tipped Levi over the edge. "A lot of unnecessary movements, beginning to have doubts? If you are that will be the death of you and your friends very soon" you flinched slightly at his words, you've never heard him so pragmatic, and one glance at Levi's distraught expression you knew he hadn't expected that either. 

Without hesitation Erwin turned on his heel, walking back to his hoarse, leaving you to follow behind. "That was harsh" you commented, eyes glancing towards Erwins solid form. "good" he replied simply, jumping up onto his horse.

Levi/Erwin X Reader- Don't Touch HerWhere stories live. Discover now