Ch:10 Just say you want me

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The night never ended. Coming home after the expedition was accompanied by that sense of loss and grievance  that you knew you'd never get used to.
The candle in the sickbay was burning out. The deep, desperate groans from surrounding wounded soldiers filled the warm air as you trailed your fingers over the rough canvas sheets. Your wound had basically healed, you told them you could easily return to your duties but Erwin insisted you stayed the night.
The rest of the expedition was a blur, once Erwin realized you were bleeding through your jacket and could barley walk he sent you straight on the first medical cart back to HQ.
So here you were, wide awake, traumatized by yesterdays events and completely and utterly distraught lying on a pathetic excuse of a bed in god knows what hour in the morning.

You were half-way through counting all the individual specks on the ceiling before you heard the door creek open. Soft footsteps approached you, only when you turned your head did you see Levis dim silhouette walking up closer to you.
Your body stiffened slightly as you moved yourself up into a sitting position.
"Hi..." You spoke softer then you would have liked as he stopped in his tracks a couple of steps away from your bed. His face looked confused- conflicted as he opened his mouth to speak "I-" He coughed lightly regaining the strength in his voice "Is it bad?".
Taken aback by his mild temper it took you a second or two realize what he was talking about, "Oh" You placed your hand on your ribs "Yea they're fine, nothing serious it's just Erwin wanted to make sure..." your voice trailed off, the mention of Erwin's name causing Levis body to stiffen even more.
Levi started to walk closer to you, your heart rate picking up with every step he took.
"Levi.." You warned meekly, the better part of you too curious about his movements to put up more of a protest.
He sat down beside you, his eyes not exactly meeting yours but focusing on a spot above your head.
The two of you sat in silence for some time, something about the night felt surreal...maybe it was the depth of night you were in, the hazy orange lighting in the room or the fact that the events of the previous expedition were still scaring the front of your brains. But he didn't say anything, neither of you had to.
Slowly he raised his hands to brush your cheek and your entire body became paralyzed. The texture of his skin, the way his hand pushed back loose strands of hair behind your ear, it brought you back years and you felt as if you were eighteen again...
"(F/n)..." Levi murmured quietly, mostly to himself as he rested his forehead against yours. "I don't want to live with any regrets anymore..." he spoke quietly, a tone in his voice you only remember hearing once or twice before when he let all his defenses down. Everything felt out of character, I mean you were supposed to be mad at him but in all honesty you were to tired- to in need of comfort to put up any sort of a fight. His actions seemed hesitant yet sure, his eyes were glued to yours yet you couldn't find the strength to meet his gaze. You were in a state of emotional turmoil, Levi's lips were so close you could already taste them- bitter sweet, like tea and citrus fruit.
His chapped lips barley made contact with yours before it all became to real, to familiar, like opening up a healing wound. You pulled away. Your breathing still shallow, Levi's jaw clenched as he watched you withdraw.
"I'm sorry...I " you spoke, but your body still felt in shock. Levi let out a deep breath "it's because of him Isn't it?"
Yes. One of the many reasons was because of him and that was just a good enough reason as any not to go through with it.
You didn't reply however, just turned your face away from him.
"You don't owe him anything (F/n)" Levi said breaking the silence washing over the both of you.
You finally found your voice and spoke again, looking him directly in the eyes "Neither do you.... So why do you stay?" It was a valid question, his entire plan had gone to shit and he lost ten times more than he gained.
"I owe them something."
You didn't reply to that, you couldn't. So instead you watched him stand and walk through the door again into the night .

You kept your eyes glued to the door in front of you. You were strong. Young and inexperienced maybe but you could hold your own, and you were definitely not going to let some hot-shot squad leader intimidate you...even if he was described as  'The Commanders prodigy', I mean he would probably just be some grumpy middle aged man like In the academy.
Taking a deep breath you straightened your back and knocked loudly on the pale oak door.
There was no instant reply, a moment of silence passed that almost made you second guess yourself.
Just as you raised your knuckles to knock again, the door opened in front of you.
Let's just say it wasn't who you expected, blonde, bone structure and a stature that made you knees feel weak.
You stood there lips parted for a second too long before you snapped back to reality "Cadet (L/n), I was told to report to you" you say blinking dumbly once or twice.
He starred at you while you spoke, taking in you features "Ah yes, (F/n) (L/n), I just read you file..." He paused for a second before resuming his casual tone "Walk with me"
With that you turned and walked beside him in slight confusion down the hallway.
After a couple of steps he spoke again "Prodigious skill in 3DM Gear and hand to hand combat. However unruly at the best of times, audacious and in desperate need of straightening out" Erwin spoke with his hands clasped behind his back, eyes looking forward.
"Sir?" you ask picking up your pace to walk beside him.
"Your file, It's a quote from your commanding officer"
"Hey, that's not fair that women hated me" You replied, folding your arms.
"And why would she hate you?" Erwin asked smiling slightly. 
"I dunno maybe I'm to breakneck for her" Just as you finished your sentence you followed Erwin out into the large training ground, already covered with people sparing or talking among themselves.
"And that's exactly why you're here, On my squad, we can't afford to.. break any necks. Before I let you on any expeditions were gonna straighten you out- for lack of any better word." 
You looked at him for a second, okay this was not what you were expecting your Squad Leader to be like at all. "Okay... What do you want me to do? Run laps? Spar? I'm up for anything"
"No, I know your perfectly capable at all that, what were going to do is a little more you based"

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