From the first coffee to the last...

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Hey guys! I know I've been on hiatus for what seems like forever but here's a quick short story I wrote for one of my classes! Hopefully I'll be writing more after this as well. Thank you all as always and I hope you enjoy! :) 


I'm a complete idiot. I stared at the time ticking by on my watch. 15 more minutes and I would lose my chance forever. I made the biggest mistake ever in letting the love of my life so easily slip away from me. I loved her, so I let her go. But the problem is, I love her too much and I can't.

Thunder rattled the city and I used my raincoat to shield me from the rain as I waited for a taxi. I was panting and out of breath from running. My stupid decision was truly going to shatter the most beautiful relationship that the both of us shared.

I watched the rain pouring down in oversized droplets and smiled. I remembered her immense fascination for rain. I was going to get her back.

"TAXI!" I called finally rushing into the taxi.

After only five minutes of her leaving my door when I had realized what a regretful decision I had made, I ran right after her. A few minutes too late but I wasn't giving up. I was finally going to be selfish. For the both of us.


I chucked another crumpled piece of trash writing on the Starbucks floor. It landed right next to the employee that was sweeping-and she made sure to give me a nasty glare.

"Oh, sorry." I awkwardly smiled at her picking it up and adding it to my towered pile of already crumpled paper. I think I really lied when I said my passion was writing. With the amount of stress and frustration I deal with when writing my pieces, it is unbelievable that I could enjoy a career like this.

"I need another latte." I mumbled to myself.

"Oh wonderful." I heard the employee throw a sarcastic remark from behind me. I raised my eyebrow at her and she took it as her queue to leave.

I watched her walk away and noticed the sweet employee who had served me earlier making her way towards me. I don't mean to sound cocky but I'm sure she was trying her very best for me to provide her with some attention.

I caught her staring at me with a smirk on her face. Her eyes trailed to my book sitting at the edge of the table.

"So, what are you reading?" She went right ahead and picked up the book. Her flirty grin very quickly changed into a frown. I was prepared to receive the reaction I was expecting.

"David Smith. Really? You read this crap?" She plopped the book back down onto the table. The same reaction almost everyone gave one of the most hated authors in the world.

"Yes, as a matter of fact he is one of my favourite authors. And I will appreciate it if you can take your insults about one of the more clever literary genius elsewhere because I will not tolerate them." I flashed her a smile. She gasped and strutted off, casting me evil glares as she walked away.

I noticed a tall brunette girl with wavy hair standing at the back covering half her face. She was laughing? I watched her make her way towards me. I couldn't help but noticed how she so amusingly tousled her hair to the side revealing her bright blue eyes. She was beautiful.

She stood in front of my table and sat herself down with no instruction. She picked up the book and flashed me a smile. "If you're going to be defending David Smith, use a better example to help support your argument. You can't stick up for him with The Untold Desire over The Bittersweet Journey. Now that, is what makes him a literary genius." She carefully placed the book back on the edge of my table and crossed her arms.

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