Chapter 1

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I awake to the extremely off putting sound metal against metal. I gasped for air feeling the sensation of drowning. black spots slowly drifted in my eyes and the room I was in kept moving upwards. I stood up shakily trying to keep my balance and felt the roof of the tiny room, I thrashed my closed fists on it realising it was metal, which didn't stop me from throwing my fists at it repeatedly.  "help me, someone please!" I cried waiting for it to stop or someone to wake me up as it felt like a dream.

But nothing happened. panic bubbled inside of me when I realised that this box thing felt like it would go on forever and that there would be no escape from the box. a red light began to glow illuminating the top of the narrow shaft that the box seemed to cling to. the red light illuminated the tiniest part of what was below as well as the box. An alarm began blaring, the sound made me cup my hands over my ears, after what felt like two minutes the alarm stopped and I pulled away my hands. supplies were scattered throughout the metal box.

the metal box had come to a screeching stop inches from the ceiling, the red light turned green as I crawl into the corner a wave of fear overcoming me. a slit of light appeared in the ceiling, it grew bigger until light began pouring into the box. The blazing light still made everything hard to see as well as giving it a green tint. I look up into the light to see shadows of people, my eyes adjusted and they appeared to all be boys, not one girl in sight. odd.

they were all looking down curiously into the rusted metal box. a boy jumped in, he had blonde hair and brown eyes. "You're a girl?" he says surprised. I didn't reply, I just kept my stare on his face. I heard things like, "is she hot?" And "I call dibs!". The blonde boy ignores all the outbursts and held out a dirt covered hand for me to take. I looked at it before lifting myself up. A wave of dizziness came over me reminding me I had stood up too quickly. I swayed a little, the boy held his arms out ready to catch me if I fell. "what's going on down there?" another boy yelled, "shut your bloody hole Gally" the Blonde boy yelled back up. there were whispers from the other boys Gathered around the box. a rope cascades into the box, it was tied into a loop at the end. made for someone to slip their foot through.

"Come on Greenbean, lets go" The blonde boy says. his accent seemed so different, I think it was British, whatever it was it was quite thick. I realised how much I didn't want to stay in the creepy box and I quickly walked towards the rope. I put my foot through and gripped the rough rope, I felt myself being hauled up. I felt air being taken from my lungs as I hit the ground with a thud. Boys crowded around me in a circle, they all started touching my hair and poking me. "that's enough you slintheads, leave the girl alone!" a voice boomed. The words they used also seemed foreign to me, what do they mean, slinthead? Greenbean?

A boy with dark skin pushed his way through the small crowd. he looks to be at least eighteen. he also seemed to be a leader of some sorts, everyone seemed to obey him. I slowly rose my head to look at him again. "first things first, can you tell me your name? age or anything about yourself?" he says crouching down to my level. it then dawned on me, I couldn't remember anything, I couldn't remember having any parents, friends or what I last ate. I couldn't even remember my name, I searched it frantically. I knew I had a name but it was on the tip of my tongue. I heard something in my head, like a voice it said "Rosalind". "Are you mute greenie?" I hear the Blonde boy ask from behind me. I knew I wasn't mute but I didn't know if I could trust these boys, maybe being mute could be my cover?

"Give the girl some space, you know what? get back to work before I banish all your sorry little butts!" the dark skinned boy yelled. it made me flinch, they all quickly dispersed and headed back to wherever they were before I arrived. I could see everything clearly once they were gone, but I only wished that they would come back now.

massive stone walls enclosed an area the size of two football fields, the walls had masses of green ivy climbing them. there was what looked like a forest in one corner, a that looked to be on a little bit of a slant. there were other little shacks and structures throughout the area. "welcome to the Glade greenie" the dark skinned boy said.
Please don't hate me. This is my first fanfiction. And I don't know if I'm any good. So please vote and comment. Thank you so so so much to anyone reading this. Peace out my lovely Gladers ;)

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