Chapter 13

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"She was just kind of... stopped, and when I felt her forehead she was burning up" I could hear Clint discussing me with Alby, I wasn't actually sleeping at all. I couldn't get the image out of my head.

"Well, she has to wake up for lunch, Minho's orders" he chuckles the last part. footsteps walk casually towards where I was sleeping, feeling a hand shake my shoulder gently. I purposely flutter my eyes open and pretend to be groggy,

"hey greenie, lunch" Alby says.

I glance at Clint who had his arms crossed and chewing thumbnail curiously.

I groan and fall back into the pillow, "have to eat and that's an order" Alby says sternly.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed lazily and get up, "thanks Clint" I wave and leave the homestead.

I walk purposely slow towards the kitchen as if when I get there, there will be no food left. that wasn't the case. I get a plate of food and find Gally, but I spot two familiar boys.

It was too late to back away as Gally waved at me. I sigh and begin moving my legs, the two boys looked nervous and angry when Gally wasn't looking. I sit at the table and keep my head down.

"hey" Gally greets.

"um, hi" I reply quietly. I couldn't see his face but the silence was enough to tell Gally was confused.

He finished talking to the boys and sent them on their way. the memory of what happened flashed in my mind, tears welled up in my eyes.

"Rose? Rose what's wrong" Gally asked worriedly.

I lift my head and he sees the tears. I hurriedly wipe the tears from my eyes, "Those boys, I know them" I whisper.

"what? those shanks" points to them with raised eyebrows.

I nod and continue "the short one. he stabbed me and the taller one, he-he....." I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"We need to tell Alby" Gally sternly says. I shake my head.

he grabs me by the arm to pull me up and find Alby.

"No, Gally stop. please" I pull against his arm to make him stop. he whips around, anger burning bright in his eyes. He was beginning to scare me.

"Rose, they shucking hurt you, you're a Glader and the rules state that we never harm another Glader"

"I don't care, they will get banished. I'm alive right?"

"Not the point, you're Alive thanks to luck. the two slintheads deserve everything that comes to them"

"Gally, listen to yourself!" I finally yell
"It's not right to wish hate on someone no matter what" I try to convince him.

"They may be your morals but they're not mine" and with that he lets go and walks away.

I storm off in the opposite direction, towards the homestead. the door to the homestead flys open with the amount of force I use. I was definitely angry, more than angry I was furious. ok I hated those boys for what they did to me but Gally acted like a completely heartless jerk.

Tears of anger trickled down my cheek and I wiped them away roughly with the back of my hand. I grabbed my bow and arrows and walked out of the homestead in a sprint towards the deadheads. I didn't know how far I got before collapsing to the ground, my vision blacked out.

I didn't know if this was a memory or not but I definitely looked like one. I was looking down in my lap and my hands were tiny, suggesting I was at least five. my hands moved up and down with my body. I was on a bus.

My younger self looked up and around the bus at other wide eyed children, they all looked gloomy. two adults dressed in white from head to toe sat at the front of the bus, with two guards I guess. they wore black armour with heavy masks and weird looking guns. I was sitting next to a boy with blond hair, he was looking out the window at the moving scenery. he turned to face me and I realised it was Newt.

"what name did they give to you?" he asks his British accent sounded even cuter and high-pitched.

"Rosalind" my younger self answered. my voice had sounded so foreign and squeaky.

"Mines Newt. I liked my old name better" he pouts.

"so did I" my younger self replied. the bus came to a halt and we were ushered off the bus quickly. three new guards walked around the back of the bus two accompany the existing two guards. All of the kids were kept in a circle with the two adults in white. shots were fired and we were sent into a panic. "go, go, go!" the guards yelled. I had looked down to see Newt grab my hand before my vision went back to the front where I could see the back of the adults heads.

Everyone was running we all looked worried and our heads snapped in different directions but our legs kept moving as fast as we could take them. I glanced at Newt again who had a look of fear and determination on his face

I woke up in the brown, dead leaves of the deadheads. I hadn't made it too far before collapsing but luckily out of sight from anyone else. I sat up and picked leaves from my long orange hair. I see my arrows splayed out in front me and my bow in my left hand.

I round up my arrows and walk out of the deadheads, I didn't feel up to shooting anymore. Judging by the position of the sun, the runners should be returning soon. Which doors did they run through this morning? I took a lucky guess and sat by the east doors. I knew I had seen them go through those doors in the morning.

Iwaited for a little bit and greeted one runner that came through and then another and another and then Minho. "hey Minho!" I greeted. he spun around on his heels an saw me leaning against the wall. "hey Shuckface, did ya' eat lunch?"

"Nope, didn't get the chance" I shrug

"Rose.." he groans.

"Alright, alright I'll eat, happy?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Very" he flashes his signature smirk and walks towards the map room to map his section. not long after Newt comes running out. he was sweaty just like the rest of them, his hair stick to his forehead and he was panting. "hi" I greet.

"hey Rose" he smiles.

His face lights up and his smile widens, "you're happy today"

"I am now" he answers.
"I have to map my bloody section, see you soon"

I say goodbye and suddenly feel bored. I walked past Gally and ignored him completely, I don't hate Gally but he didn't have to be so mean. I don't get why he didn't just leave it be. I was dealing with just fine.... well almost I guess. I walked into Newt and mines room.

I flopped onto my bed and buried my face in the soft pillow. I was crying, I mean this place was just tiring. I hear the door open and close. I knew it could only be Newt so I sit up.

"are you ok?" Newt asked sitting on his bed. I nodded.

"new greenie tomorrow, forgot to tell you this morning. you can officially be called your real bloody name"

"I guess. I wonder what the greenie will look like"

"Well, lets just hope they don't bloody klunk his pants"

"Poor unlucky shank, hey Newt?" I ask

"Hmmm" he looks up

What do I look like?"

It was an out of the blue question, I mean I knew what colour my hair was, my skin but that was it. Newt looked taken aback, his mouth open as he stumbles for an answer to my question,

"Let's see, long orange hair, freckles on your nose and cheeks, pale skin and your not short but not tall either"

"Thanks" I laugh

"You're welcome" he smiles not even asking why I had asked the question in the first place.

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficWhere stories live. Discover now