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Avery’s P.O.V.

 I never understood why things happened. Everyone said things happened for a “reason”, ha. Cause last time I checked you’re supposed to have at least one parent. I don’t have any. I used to though. They loved me and I loved them. We were known as a perfect family, and we were. My parents were so in love, they only had little fights but they always forgave each other the next day. My mom was beautiful and my dad was very handsome, I could never compare to them. My mom had the voice of an angel. My dad was just amazing at everything especially playing instruments. Piano was my favorite. I got my moms voice and my dads music ability.  My mom was always there for me, as was my dad. I was daddy’s little girl. Life was great. Was.

You know it’s complete bullshit that they died but I didn’t. I- I don’t even know. I live with my aunt and uncle now. They’re really nice. They’re scared though. Why? They are because I haven’t cried, nor spoke since their death. I mean why should I? People ask the same questions and I don’t want to answer them. I find it weird that I haven’t cried. I’ve tried and tried but nothing happens. I loved my parents with all my heart so why can’t I cry? I miss them.

3 months later

I’m starting school today. My aunt doesn’t want me to go because I still wont speak. My uncle thinks I should. I don’t really care. It’s just my senior year. Whatever. I’m sitting in the office just waiting for my aunt to finally leave. Ah, speak of the devil. She hugs me awkwardly, also because I wont hug her back. She’s already crying. She’s cried so much since I’ve been there. She was such a cheery person before. I look at her trying to understand, but she leaves. I guess I was standing there a little too long cause the next thing I know is the office lady asking if I was okay and if I needed anything. I just shook my head and sat down. She said she’d get me a student to show me around. I hope to god its not one of those perky little, cheery girls. They annoy me. Soon this boy walks in, he had brown hair and was at least 6’2. I couldn’t see his face quite yet.

“Ah Jake! How are you sweetie?”

“Hey Le Ann! I’m good just really bored in study hall.”

“Perfect! We just got a new student would you like to show her around?”

“Yeah sure!”

“That’s her right behind you! Avery, Jake will show you around if that’s okay.”

Jake and the office lady look at me waiting for me to answer. Guess they didn’t get the memo. I just stood up and waited. I knew right away that Jake was a jock, popular kid. He was good looking.

“Alrighty, can I get her schedule please.”

“Here ya go!”

“Thanks, see ya later.”

“Bye sweetie.”

He turns around and looks at me. More like studying. You can’t really see my face because I have my hair in the way and a hood up. He just smiles and says that we should go. I just stare at him waiting for him to go. He finally does after a few seconds of just staring at me.

“I’m Jake by the way.”

He waits for me to respond, then looks at my paper.

“So your name is Avery? That’s a pretty name.”

We finally get done with going through my schedule and then he tells me what classes we have together. We have five classes together, oh joy. He says that we have math next and that he’ll walk me there. Then we go to my locker and he tells me the combination. I was hoping he would just go away but no, he leans against the locker just staring at me with a smile on his face.

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