Chapter 13

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thought we were going strong, 

thought we were holding on, aren't we?


I felt out of place standing next to a bunch of young teenagers. The training classes I'm attending are meant for the newly shifted wolves. With me shifting so late in life, I feel a little odd being in a class with girls that are so much younger than me.

Chance and Ryan were currently showing us some new self defense techniques to practice. I wasn't really paying attention. I sometimes get bored when things I already know are being taught to me again. I would occasionally see Chance lift his leg and hit the dummy in the face or get low and pretend to avoid a punch. I was too busy staring at his body to be paying attention to what he was teaching. I have the right to stare at his body since I am stuck with him forever, right?

"Alright, class, let's do some sparring. Pair up with the person on your right. Ryan and I will come around and assist you if needed. We'll show you how to stand correctly and what to do when the other person is coming at you. Remember, this is just for practice. We aren't truly trying to hurt our partners. This is all for learning."

Chance told everyone to begin pairing up and I turned slowly to my partner. She was a short girl with long black hair, great to pull on during a battle. "Hi, I'm Bailey."

She bowed her head at me. "Hello, Luna. I'm Grace. I promise not to hurt you."

I smirked. Grace was clearly nervous and it probably didn't make it any better for her that she was paired up with me. "I'm not the Luna so you can just call me Bailey. You don't have to take it easy on me or be nervous. Just picture me as any other member here wanting to learn to protect themselves. I want this to be fair."

Grace finally made eye contact with me. It was beginning to get annoying when the other members of the pack won't make eye contact with me. "You're not the Luna?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Sort of, but not officially. Just pretend I'm another average wolf in the pack. No formalities needed."

"I'm not really good at this stuff. My mom's making me take these classes as a precaution. I don't really want to fight anyone but my mom thinks that everyone needs to learn self defense or at least the basics."

I smiled, remembering how I used to be when I first started taking self defense classes a few years ago. "How about we skip what the Alpha says and I show you a few things? I took self defense classes for a couple of years and I know a few things. Come closer to me and position your body like this."


Four hours had passed and my arms were aching. My legs felt like they were going to fall off. I don't know how I'm going to walk back home. Sweat was dripping off of my body in ever place imaginable and all I wanted to do was take a nice cold shower. I also wanted to stuff my face wth bunch of food after working off so many calories this morning.

Chance thankfully ordered everyone to stop. "Alright everyone this was a great class. You all did a great job. This is the end of the class and as always, I pick someone to spar me at the end. This person is picked by how good their performance was during the class and how well they did. So, Bailey, please join me up here."

People were whispering around me and Grace gave me a thumbs up. I walked up to the front of the room and stood beside Chance. Ryan looked at us and sighed. "Alpha, you know the rules. Bailey, the rule is to pin your opponent to the ground. Whoever pins the other first will win."

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